Due to ubiquitous online communications and the continued use of cloud storage and computation, alongside the enforcement of EU GDPR Data Protection Regulation from May 2018, there is a renewed interest in data privacy and secure communication. Moreover, traditional encryption methods are incongruous to modern demands for computing, storing and accessing data, often among more than two parties. To address this gap, advanced cryptographic primitives, such as fully homomorphic encryption or functional encryption have been introduced.Functional encryption allows optimised access control within encryption, and includes exciting research areas such as identity-based encryption and attribute-based encryption. Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), introduced in 2009, enables secure computation on encrypted data, without the need for decryption. FHE is seen as a massively powerful tool, which could revolutionise secure cloud computation, but unfortunately it is accompanied with highly expensive implementation costs, in terms of practicality. In this talk, these current trends in advanced cryptography will be discussed. In particular, the principles of functional encryption and homomorphic encryption will be introduced from a practical perspective. Lastly, other advanced cryptographic primitives will be mentioned briefly, to show the broad versatility and potential across the latest research in cryptography, which in the future could be exploited to advance our secure communications.
Period | 16 Aug 2018 |
Held at | The London Office for Rapid Cybersecurity Advancement (LORCA), United Kingdom |
Degree of Recognition | National |