Chair of the School of Creative Arts Events Committee (2012 - 2016)

Activity: Consultancy typesWork on advisory panel to industry or government or non-government organisation


Chair of the School's Events Committee 2012 - 2016: This role involved overseeing the programming and curating of weekly concerts, seminars and screenings in Film, Drama, Music and Sonic Arts. I oversaw over 200 performing arts events per year and led 6 academic staff members while administering the School's events budget.
During 2015 in my role as chair, I made radical new recommendations on future funding and events structures. These changes allowed for alignment with Vision 2020 to ensure greater visibility and higher impact. The changes were approved by SMB and School Board in 2015, and these were implemented throughout 2016.
Period31 Aug 201231 Jul 2016
Degree of RecognitionNational