Here & Now. The Art of Ageing Well. The Older People's Festival

  • Maeve Rea (Contributor)

Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in Festival/Exhibition


Here & Now. The Art of Ageing Well. The Older People's Festival The Older People’s Festival will offer a series of 320 co-ordinated, skill-building arts workshops over a twelve-week period, the equivalent of 200 daysdelivery from the beginning of January 2013-end March 2013 across all fiveHealth and Social Care Trusts.The Arts Care Artists, visiting Master Artist and Festival Co-ordinator willtravel across the five Health and Social Care Trusts to the different healthand community settings during January to March to facilitate the different artworkshop sessions and produce the end of project performances/exhibitions.The art forms proposed for the older people to take part in are as follows:■Music/Opera■Contemporary/Modern Dance■Visual Art■Drama■Film-making/Photography■Creative Writing.

The Public Health Agency commissioned Artscare to facilitate Here and Now Festival with the aim bringing a range of high quality arts programmes to older people in health and social care and community settings across the whole of Northern Ireland. In collaboration with Ms Andrea Spencer, Artist in Residence at Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and Susie Rea (artist), I arranged for the Super Vivere Exhibition to be showing within the Here&Now Festival, since the Super Vivere Exhibition was aligned with the aim of the Arts Care programme. The Super Vivere Exhibition is accompanied by short text pieces from the 90 year old participants whose portraits are being shown and which are taken from the accompanying book Super Vivere: Reflections on Living Long and Ageing Well. Maeve Rea & Susie Rea. The text pieces focus on the participants' insights into their Healthy Ageing. While the Exhibition created a lot of comment during its showing in the Belfast City Hospital Gallery from Visitors, Staff and Patients passing by there were also formal outreach sessions for staff 26th March, for pupils from Methodist College 13 and 17 March, and a Closing Event 26 March was attended by the Commissioner for Older People-Ms Clare Keatinge- who was very engaged with the Exhibition and the output from the pupils' and staff outreach sessions.
Period05 Feb 201330 Apr 2013
Event typeExhibition
LocationUnited KingdomShow on map


  • Healthy Ageing, Longevity, Lifestyle, genes