International research collaboaration led by Dr Helen Kerr with collaborators at the University of Toronto

  • Helen Kerr (Organiser)
  • Kimberley Widger (Member)
  • Geraldine Cullen-Dean (Member)
  • Jayne Price (Member)
  • O'Halloran, P. (Recipient)

Activity: Other activity typesOther


Supported by the Marcia Mackie Award in 2014, Dr Kerr led in a research collaboation with Dr Kimberley Widger, University of Toronto and Geraldine Cullen-Dean, Hospital for Sickkids, and Professor Jayne Price, Kingston University and St Georges University, London and Dr Peter O'Halloran, QUB. This led to collaborators in Toronto adapting a survey questionnaire developed by Dr Kerr in her PhD research, being adapted for research in Toronto. A paper related to this research was published in 2020.
Degree of RecognitionInternational