International Software Engineering Research Network (ISERN) (External organisation)

Activity: Membership typesMembership of external research organisation


International Software Engineering Research Network (ISERN)

ISERN is a community of 50+ organisations that believe software engineering research needs to be performed in an experimental context. By doing this we will be able to observe and experiment with the technologies in use, understand their weaknesses and strengths, tailor the technologies for the goals and characteristics of particular projects and package them together with empirically gained experience to enhance their reuse potential in future projects. Membership is granted according to a 3-step procedure: Attending as invited observer at an annual ISERN meeting; Attending as an invited candidate at the following ISERN meeting (at this meeting the candidate gives a presentation; the candidate is supported by one senior member of ISERN nominated by the steering committee; all current ISERN members vote after the meeting per e-mail; each member has one vote; the candidate is admitted with 2/3 majority of all members. Attending as a full ISERN member all following meetings.
Period2010 → …
Held atInternational Software Engineering Research Network (ISERN), United Kingdom