Introducing Ultrasound teaching to the MSc programme

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This year the Centre has purchased a good US machine (GE Vivid iQ with cardiac, abdominal curvilinear and a linear probe (2-10 hz). This can be connected to the central podium and transmitted to the large wall screens (x4) in the Dissection rooms and connected to individual screens for demonstration purposes. We also have 13 hand-held Butterfly iQ3 ultrasounds that are connected to iPads which the students have been using for some hands-on experience in our sessions to date. – visualising thoracic and abdominal aorta and IVC, and brachial blood flow measurement.. We can also get simulated patients organized, but we would need some details of the procedures (for example, what body parts will need to be exposed) to inform the subjects in advance.

The use of ultrasound has been introduced into the curriculum this year to give you the opportunity not only to review anatomy but also to introduce you to ultrasound scanning.  This is an exciting development within the curriculum and I hope that you really gain from this opportunity. You have already received a session on cardiac US in the first semester.

For the second semester, I have arranged with two experienced clinicians and two simulated patients. The clinicians will deliver two dedicated practical US sessions. During these sessions, you will be examining two real Simulated Patients using a Butterfly iQ3 ultrasound probe.  

The first US in the 2nd Semester will be on the abdominal ultrasound  (30th Jan) for the Trunk Module.

The second US will be on the  Limbs  (18th Feb) for the Limbs and Back Module.  

Both sessions will start at 3:30 pm in the minor DR. I It is important that you act in professional and respectful way with the simulated patients.

You will not be assessed on your ability to perform an ultrasound, the skills of sonography or the interpretation of ultrasound images but it will be a great benefit for you to identify anatomical structures using US and this will help you in better understanding of the anatomy. Ultrasound imaging  is increasingly being used in practice especially in the interventional radiology.

The MSc students are very keen to have the practical element of US integrated in their Modules.

Feedback about the use of ultrasound in anatomy teaching was very positive, with students finding it valuable to reinforce anatomical knowledge and introduce clinical context. Ultrasound helped students appreciate the dynamic nature of living anatomy, understand anatomical structure, and improve their motivation to study.

Our MSc students appreciate very much the introduction of US in their programme and the opportunity to see living anatomy in real time. Ultrasound sessions for l students were highly successful, with excellent feedback from both students and facilitators

As you know, I have been working hard to implement US in the MSc anatomy teaching for the first time. Before Christmas, I invited Dr Andrew Spence to deliver an US session on the Abdomen. During the Christmas Holiday, I have been working hard to find an experienced Radiologist who can do US on the limbs and back.

After a long search, I was able to recruit Mr David Pollock which is a consultant radiologist for the Limbs and Back. This will be the 1st session in the School of Medicine that will cover US on the limbs. I was also able to recruit simulated patients for these sessions which was not an easy task.

US reinforces anatomical knowledge and introduces clinical context. It will help the students to appreciate the dynamic nature of living anatomy, understand anatomical structure, and improve their motivation to study. It is also an opportunity to see living anatomy in real time and is definitely extremely useful for your future career. I wanted you to get the maximum benefit out of the MSc programme,

I was also successful in recruiting Mr Rakish who will give a session on the applied anatomy of the back for the first time this year.

Dr. Abdel-Meguid successfully recruited two new ultrasound radiologists: one specialising in the musculoskeletal system and the other in the neurovascular system.

students rated these very highly: Enjoyment 4.9; Support provided 4.9; Value to learning anatomy 4.7.

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