Invited Imam Ameer Ibrahim (representative from Dunmurry mosque) and Dr Waleed Sulieman to talk about Islamic views in the Student Selected Component for the 2nd year medical students "MURDER OR MERCY" looking at euthanasia and assisted suicide

Activity: Other activity typesHosting a delegation or group


"Murder or mercy?" Is a Student Selected Component innovative module delivered by Dr Vivian Crawford and Dr David Bell to help UK medical students to articulate their own ethical viewpoints regarding end-of-life decisions and to help them to respond ethically and sensitively to requests encountered as qualified doctors regarding euthanasia and assisted dying. The aim was to expose students to relevant opinions and experiences and provide opportunities to explore and justify their own views and rehearse ethical decision making in a safe learning environment.The module provided students with the working knowledge to actively discuss cases, articulate their own views and practice ethical reasoning. Many participants were less strongly in favor of euthanasia and assisted dying on module completion than at the outset, but all of them believed they were better equipped to justify their own viewpoint and respond to patient requests. The multi-disciplinary nature of this course helps to prepare students to deal effectively and sensitively with ethical dilemmas they will encounter in their medical career. Use of an integrated, learner-centred approach equips students to actively engage with their peers in discussion of such issues and to formulate and defend their own position.

The panel was scheduled for 21st of November in WMB Seminar Room 4. This SSC is for 2nd year medical students. The title, as it appears in their booklet of choices (from which they prioritise their preferences) is:

The SSC addresses end of life; active and passive euthanasia; withholding and withdrawing treatment; physician assisted suicide; medical ethics and law; case studies etc.

Co-ordinator Dr David Bell and Dr Vivienne Crawford

Dr Vivienne Crawford, Reader in Geriatric Medicine/Medical Education : It was a pleasure to have you all with us; we are very grateful. I think the session went very well. The students were clearly engaged and asked very important questions. I too enjoyed the session very much and learnt a lot.
Period21 Nov 2024
Degree of RecognitionLocal