Irish Learning Technology Association (External organisation)

Activity: Membership typesMembership of network


I am a member of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA) is an independent, voluntary, community of professionals, committed to the development and exchange of knowledge of technology-enhanced learning in education

ILTA’s 1,800 members are drawn from Irish higher education institutions, further education and training providers, industry vendors and agencies, professional bodies, government state agencies (e.g. DES, HEA, HEAnet, IBEC, the National Forum for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching, and SOLAS), alongside other stakeholders interested in technology-enhanced learning.
Period2015 → …
Held at Irish Learning Technology Association, Ireland
Degree of RecognitionNational


  • learning technologies
  • Learning Design
  • learning technology
  • Educational Technology
  • education technologist
  • edtech
  • e-Learning
  • TEL
  • technology enhanced learning
  • professional identity
  • professional development