Launch of SCIE Report: Working with challenging and disruptive situations in residential child care: Sharing effective practice.

Activity: Talk or presentation typesPublic lecture/debate/seminar


Official launch of SCIE Report sharing findings of the research with representatives from 5 Health and Social Care Trusts and the DHSSPSNI. Reference for report: Kilpatrick, R., Berridge, D., Sinclair, R., Larkin, E., Lucas, P., Kelly B. & Geraghty, T. (2008) Working with challenging and disruptive situations in residential child care: Sharing effective practice. London: SCIE.
PeriodJul 2006
Event titleLaunch of the SCIE Report: Working with challenging and disruptive situations in residential child care: Sharing effective practice.
Event typeConference
LocationBelfast, United KingdomShow on map