Monday December 9th 2024 at 9.00 am on MS Teams1. Reports of past activities (SR)
• Black History Month Event
23rd October, 21 attendees including representatives from all faculties of the university and significant multicultural voices, both in the panel, among the Chairs and in the audience. (Eg Gift, Sanmi Olade, Jamie Lukas-Campbell). The theme was “Curiosity Based Conversation” with the conversation and questions based around fostering curiosity for others rather than suspicion, and how to achieve this.
Very successful, actually went over time. Gift and Eiman wrote individually to each attendee to ask for feedback and compiled a comprehensive report. Summarised below
• Stress is on regular conversations with diverse groups within the university; reaching out to a varied group of colleagues and students.
• The courage to have open conversations is key here. We all need to reach out and not leave our international colleagues to take up the emotional load of setting up the conversations.
Need for a joined up approach on intercultural competence
• Interesting stress on more diverse catering for events was discussed (ie not just sandwiches). Various catering providers were suggested
• A need for more diverse voices in management structures within the university was discussed.
• Visibility of significant religious and cultural events in the university would help (eg. Ramadan, Eid, Christmas)
• Need for ongoing training in providing “Fearless Feedback” and Active Bystander Training
2. Interim Reports from Subgroups (5-7 min each) (various)
• Faculty EDI Strategy Subgroup report (MC, BH, SC)
The EDI Strategy working group have met three times. We have developed a shared teams space where we have shared relevant documents to inform our discussions. We have started a high level skeleton of the strategy components, consisting of 3 central pillars working down towards specific actions that would work towards each of these. It is our intention to present this to the full EDI group early in 2025 for discussion and agreement and to invite others then to populate with their actions.
• EDI in the Curriculum (diversifying/decolonising) subgroup report (CP, KL, EAM)
Members of the Diversifying/Decolonising the Curriculum subgroup met on 17th October. At this initial meeting, plans were made to review documents on inclusive education, decolonisation, and integrating EDI into the curriculum in order to produce our own document and training materials. A Teams channel was set up to facilitate collaborative working and a date set for the next meeting on 25th November. This meeting has subsequently been postponed due to other commitments but is now planned for January 2025.
3. Integrated Planning Process (SR)
• Reporting Structure from Faculty-Central University (incorporates EDI)
The IPP details new means by which Faculties report to Central University. There are reporting structures in the Integrated Planning Process of which EDI participates in 1 of 4 pillars of activities in support of the strategic priorities of the university (Strategy 2030). This is detailed in section 4: “Activities in support of cross institutional Themes 2025-2026”. These cross institutional themes deemed to have strategic importance are EDI, Sustainability and Supporting the Belfast City Regional Deal. Personal impression is the School and Centre Operations Managers are currently feeling their way in this process, and it may represent a great opportunity for us to contribute meaningfully on what we plan to do in the coming year and the resultant impacts that will accrue. Again, as I know something, you’ll also know it.
• Report of meeting with Colleen Spence (Faculty Operations Manager)
Had a meeting with Colleen Spence, Director of Operations FMHLS on the 15th November 2024 during which the IPP was described. She has suggested getting us trained in how to deliver EDI impact assessments from Conor Curran. It does look as though what we are doing in terms of hard work around documenting faculty strategies, liasing with REC and decolonisation will be hugely impactful which is why I think an end point of March would be useful for us to show what we have achieved in such a short period.
Period | 2024 → … |
Degree of Recognition | Local |