Periodic Reviewer Panel Member (PRP) for the "Foundation Degree in Biological Sci". This Degree is a collaboration between School of Biological Sciences and Belfast Metropolitan College.

Activity: Other activity typesOther


Panel Member of the Collaborative Provision Group for Periodic Review for the "Foundation Degree in Biological Sci". Students who successfully complete two-year Foundation Degree Course will be eligible to progress to degree programmes in the School of Biological Sciences at QUB. This program is aligned with QUB strategy as it broadens the access to higher education as students will then be eligible to progress to a degree program at QUB. The Foundation Degree allows graduates to apply to become Associates of the Royal Society of Biology. I contributed to the production of the final report with recommendations after reviewing all relevant paperwork, focusing on maintenance of the quality and standards of the education and ensuring a robust and comprehensive process.

Period25 Jan 2021
Degree of RecognitionLocal