Quality Maternal & Newborn Care Research Alliance Interim Steering Group (External organisation)

Activity: Membership typesMembership of national or international committees and working groups


A global alliance of researchers, clinicians, advocates, and policymakers
working together to foster and support research to improve quality maternal
and newborn care

The mission of the alliance is:
To collaborate in global research that promotes, generates, and translates knowledge, particularly of the integral role of midwifery, in order for women, childbearing people, and all childbearing families to survive, thrive, and transform lives.

Research priorities are:
1. INVESTIGATE the impact of quality maternal and newborn care and in particular the contribution of midwifery, on maternal, newborn, and related outcomes across diverse settings.
2. IDENTIFY and describe aspects of care that optimize or disturb physiology for all childbearing people and their fetus/newborn/infant.
3. DETERMINE which indicators, measures, and benchmarks are most valuable in assessing quality maternal and newborn care across settings, including the views of those who bear children; and develop new ones to address identified gaps.
Period2020 → …
Held atQuality Maternal & Newborn Care Research Alliance Interim Steering Group, United States
Degree of RecognitionInternational