• Trained the FMHLS staff by running 3 Active Bystander workshops. On receiving the training, staff became capable of delivering this training to other staff and students.• Delivered the 1st “Decolonising the Curriculum” workshop to EDI Staff and IRise Leads across QUB. This workshop broadened the knowledge of colleagues on strategies to be followed in order to nurture inclusivity and embrace diversity. It was a catalyst for similar activities that followed.
• Delivered TWO Invited workshops on “Decolonising the Curriculum in Higher and Further Education Institutions on the Island of Ireland” for students across the Island of Ireland (Oct 2023 and Feb 2024). These Invitations were received from the Vice President for Equality and Citizenship, Union of Students in Ireland. The number of students who attended was roughly 50. These workshops were very effective in highlighting the checklists that should be used to implement the decolonisation within the curricula. It was also an opportunity to gather the opinion of the students on ways to develop the decolonisation.
• Hosted the African Scholars of Ireland (AFSAI) conference. In this Conference, an EDI panel discussion has significantly influenced the knowledge of the audience on ways to address exclusion. The invited external panelist was Cllr Lilian Seenoi-Barr, NI (November 2023).
• Modified the application form of the ‘Academic Mentoring Scheme’ by adding the following: "Would you be looking for a mentor from the Back, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Group"? I have also added a sentence to encourage mentors from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) group to contribute to this Scheme”. These modifications were kindly implemented by the Lead Prof Jayne Woodside.
• Contributed to the Reverse Mentoring Pilot Scheme running by the Student Experience Manager (Ms Kate McCorry) by reverse mentoring two medical students from the BAME group. This opportunity made me aware on the challenges they face and ways to address it.
• Set up Course Reps focus group on embracing EDI in the curriculum, initiating the fact-finding stage of this process
I contacted Jayne Woodside, when she was leading the mentoring programme, to ask if mentees from a BAME background could be asked if they would prefer if their mentor was from a BAME background, as the experiences of students and staff from an ethnic minority background can be quite different, though I’m aware that BAME is a very broad category. Last year, 1 student requested to be mentored by someone from a BAME background.For QUB Mentorship scheme organised by Jayne Woodside then Claire McEvoy, the Senior Lecturer Nutrition and Ageing Research, I added:
Do you prefer a mentor from an ethnically minority background?
(Based on guidance from “The government’s preferred style is to write about ethnic or ethnic minority ‘groups’ and people from ethnic minority ‘backgrounds’.
• An “EDI Toolkit with Checklist guide" was released to the module coordinators in the SMDBS to guide them while implementing the EDI within the curricula (November 2023). Some of these guidelines practices have been forwarded to the Medical Schools Council as best practice examples.
•Training on incorporating the personal perspective of EDI into the Global outlook of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals has been provided to all first years on our programmes.
Yasmeen Mezil, McMaster University "Thank you for sending along these amazing resources, your slides and documents are so informative! I greatly appreciate these resources and will definitely be citing them in my work as I develop the course syllabus - with proper credits to you. Thank you again for this wonderful opportunity, looking forward to reconnecting very soon".
Takura Donald "We were honoured to drink from your well spring of knowledge".
My racial equity role in July 2024 includes:
1- Organising the annual Racial Equality Conference that will take place in October every year together with three other REC members from different faculties. This includes suggesting a name for the keynote speakers and a theme for the panel discussions of this conference.
2- I am involved in creating/picking up questions for the Staff and Students Racial Equity Surveys together with four other RE champions from different faculties. These two surveys will be available in October 2024. This work includes promoting the surveys and analysing the results. The outcome of these surveys will inform our future RE action plans and will be implemented in the RE application that will be submitted in July 2025.
3- The Active Bystander training (Train the Trainers)
4- My work feeds into the University actions plans with the Belfast City of Sanctuary.
5- As a REC and councillor for the African Scholar, I lead a university annual event during the Black History month in October every year.
6- A Talk for postdocs in October ( allocated to me by Dr Yvonne)
As the Racial Equity (RE) Champion of the School, I have undertaken recent activities that included:
•Created, edited and reviewed the questionnaire for the Staff and Students Racial Equity Surveys with other three RE champions. This survey was launched on 4th November 2024. The aim of the surveys is to foster an inclusive environment for all voices to be heard on issues related to racial equity It will help us to understand better the experiences of staff and students. After collecting the data, I will be involved in analysing the results. The outcome of the surveys will inform our future RE action plans, will guide us on how we can improve our policies, practices and culture, to make the University a more diverse, equal and inclusive place. In addition, it will also inform our application of the Race Equality Charter in 2025.
•Delivered several Active Bystander training to staff and medical students.
•Co-led two University Events during the Black History month in October 2024. The 1st was a webinar that included the MHLS Faculty and the AHSS Faculty “Embracing our Differences, A Curiosity Based Conversation”. In the 2nd event, I hosted the Diverse Youth NI for a workshop on” Bridging the gap - Widening participation for Black Ethnic Minority youth in NI”.
•Co-editing a book formed of 12 chapters “Decolonising and diversifying the biomedical sciences and anatomy”. It will be published by Springer in 2025
•Reverse Mentor for two International Students
. Dr. Eiman Abdel Meguid is recognized as a racial equity champion in the field of medical education and healthcare. In her role as an academic and anatomist, she has advocated for diversity, equity, and inclusion, especially within medical and educational institutions. Her work often emphasizes the importance of fostering an inclusive environment for students and professionals from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Dr. Abdel Meguid’s contributions in this area include organizing workshops, developing policies, and supporting initiatives aimed at reducing racial bias and promoting equity in both healthcare education and patient care. She is known for promoting awareness and implementing practices that seek to dismantle systemic inequities in medical institutions, making a significant impact on both her colleagues and students.
Period | Feb 2023 → … |
Degree of Recognition | Local |