Convened by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh'An interdisciplinary approach to addressing undermining and bullying'
Who should attend: healthcare professionals interested in innovative approaches to addressing BUHD.
Level: Intermediate
This workshop emerges from interdisciplinary collaboration between healthcare professionals at Antrim Hospital and academic teachers and researchers at Queen’s University Belfast. The shared focus is on how to address bulling, undermining, harassment and discrimination (BUHD). In the workshop, the presenters will share their experience of addressing BUHD through person-centred training and simulation-based education. The workshop will involve in situ simulation involving performances from healthcare professionals.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
After this workshop participants will have:
1. Learned how simulation-based training can address BUHD.
2. Learned about BUHD from the perspective of the person suffering from negative behaviour.
3. Learned how to translate this knowledge into their own professional practice.
Structure of workshop:
1. General introductions, ‘ground rules’ and overview of session.
2. First simulation of a scenario where a senior surgeon bullies a junior surgeon.
3. Debrief and discussion.
4. Second simulation involving a role-reversal of the first simulation where the actors embody the emotional state of the ‘other’ to demonstrate the impact of negative behaviour.
5. Debrief and discussion.
6. Conclusion, wrap up and take forward messages.
Educational Methods to be used:
1. In situ simulation involving performances from healthcare professionals.
2. Debriefing sessions following simulations in which participants can engage in detailed discussion about the nuances of high-fidelity, person-centred simulation apropos the potential for addressing BUHD.
Murphy P 1 , Minford E 2 , Davidson S 2,
1 Queen's University Belfast, Belfast Antrim, United Kingdom
2 Antrim Hospital, Antrim, United Kingdom
Period | 13 Feb 2020 |
Event type | Conference |
Location | Belfast, United KingdomShow on map |
Degree of Recognition | National |