The development of a training and data-collection tool that brings evidence-based ABA procedures to Sólás children in afterschool clubs.

Activity: Consultancy typesKTP & Consultancy in kind


The project to develop a training tool for Sólás professionals and volunteers which would allow them to bring in practice evidence-based procedures derived from the science of ABA, such as: a) assess each child’s current skills and needs, b) clearly define learning goals, c) put effective teaching procedures in place, d) monitor the students’ progress through data taking and make decisions accordingly was undertaken by the Centre for Behaviour Analysis (CBA), School of Education, Queen’s University Belfast. The work was completed and such a tool has now been developed and is ready to be used by Sólás staff members for monitoring children’s progress.
Prior to the development of the tool, a needs identification survey was distributed to parents, professionals and volunteers pointing to the areas where there is a need for input in terms of training, data collection and decision making.
Period31 Mar 201431 Dec 2014
Work forSólás, United Kingdom