University Staff Forum

Activity: Other activity typesOther


Member of the University Staff Forum, as representative for the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences.

I collated and analysed the data and themes arising from focus groups and, distilled them and incorporated them into a number of written School-focused reports.

1. The first of these reports focused on the annual review process. I arranged and facilitated focus groups and drop-in sessions and collated responses from all categories of staff across the School. Over 40 members of staff took part in the activity. Although this took a lot of planning and organization, the reward was in being able to show staff members, that the University was taking the right steps towards a better listening institution. The report was submitted to People and Culture, and the Head of School and School Manager also asked for a copy to be sent to them, in order to incorporate its findings into the School approaches to the new Personal Development Review. The findings from this report influenced the institutional policy and reshaping of the Annual Review Process.

2. The second report conducted during Covid-19 pandemic, looked at colleagues’ experiences of flexible working. Again, over 60 members of the School took time to respond. The resulting report was given to Organizational Development and integrated into the University Agile Working Policy. Furthermore, the report was given to School Management and helped to form the basis of the School Agile Working policy, which in turn influenced how Centre-specific policies were implemented.

3. The third report involved collating responses from across the School with regard to the pilot year of Agile Working. As colleagues have seen the positive impact of my work as their representative on the Staff Forum, the number of replies has again increased.
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