Visiting Professorship at Weill Cornell Medicine, New York

Activity: Visiting an external institution typesResearch and Teaching at External Organisation


My visiting Professorship at Weill Cornell Medicine was in recognition to my international leadership in Teaching and Learning. This visit covered two categories:

1- Invited Educator for the 1st year medical students at Weill Cornell Medicine, New York in two successive years (2018 & 2019). I delivered highly interactive sessions focusing on the clinical relevance that enhanced the skills and knowledge of students.
I contributed to the Teaching of the Essential Principles of Medicine Module across two weeks.

2- Invited Speaker for the staff. I delivered the following Talks to the Academic Staff:
a- Innovative Approaches "An anatomical Study of the arterial and nerve supply of the infrahyoid muscles and its use in musculocutaneous flaps", Sept 2018
b- How much Anatomy should we teach medical Students using innovative pedagogical techniques, Sept 2019.

My second talk had an impact in changing the teaching practice of the staff with regards to implementing innovative technologies and highlighting the clinical relevance.
PeriodSept 2019
VisitingVisiting Professorship at Weill Cornell Medicine, New York
Degree of RecognitionInternational