Colombia discovers the art of keeping young people off the streets

Press/Media: Public Engagement Activities


As part of the project titled: "Land Use Planning Challenges: The gentrification of the historical centre of Quibdó, Chocó (Colombia) and its impact on the sustainable socio-economic production." (04.2016 – 05.2018) Funded by Newton-Caldas Institutional Links Fund (£129,000). I led the interdisciplinary research, liaising six institutions (educational, NGO and governmental) in Colombia and UK. My project triggered a peace agreement between young gangs and local authorities in Quibdó, Colombia. Part of this project was featured in The Guardian:

Period21 May 2018

Media contributions


Media contributions


  • Music and Arats-based participatory methods
  • Peacebuilding
  • sociospatial transformations
  • interdisciplinary
  • Marginal cities
  • geographies of conflict
  • spatial justice