Guidelines and Audit Implementation Network. Whats the Score?. Regional audit of physiological early warning scoring systems (PEWSS).

  • Jennifer McGaughey

Press/Media: Research


Strand 2 – Case Note Audit (Appendix 2) developed as part of PhD was cited and referenced as utilised to collect data for the GAIN publication. 

The Strand 2 questionnaire is a retrospective case note audit. Information collected is from the 24 hour time period immediately prior to the patient’s admission to ICU. Agreement to conduct this part of the audit in ICU patients was secured in advance from the Lead Clinicians Group within the Critical Care Network, Northern Ireland (CCaNNI). The audit tool included several (non-research) elements of a tool currently being used to research PEWSS The Strand 2 tool assessed monitoring and treatment practice in each case against components of existing guidance (CREST, NICE & ALERT™) and against local Trust protocols/guidance. Following a pilot in two sites, and modifications informed by the pilot exercise, a training day for data collectors was held on 25th November 2008 and the finalised Strand 2 tool used by each assessor team on two example cases after initial training.

Period01 Jan 2011

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleGuidelines and Audit Implementation Network. What's the score. Regional audit of physiological early warning scoring systems (PEWSS).
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletGuidelines and Audit Implementation Network
    Media typePrint
    Duration/Length/Size5 pages
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionThe findings of the Northern Ireland Audit of PEWSS make it difficult not to conclude that greater attention is required to the processes of monitoring vital signs, recognizing patient deterioration and delivering an appropriate clinical response in many Trusts. Of fundamental importance is that the data implies that many Trusts need to investigate why PEWSS are not being successfully utilized. The establishment of standards and suitable targets, together with regular standardized audit would assist in these respects. The standards should start by identifying the necessary regular training required for staff involved in the use of PEWSS scores and should classify the necessary competencies for all related PEWSS activities expected of particular grades of staff.
    PersonsJennifer McGaughey