
The Lancet interview- I have been invited as an expert on PTSD to comment on the NICE PTSD guidelines review and update. 

As director of the university’s specialist MSc in Trauma focussed CBT, I have been interviewed for the recent issue of the Lancet Psychiatry, one of the top group of medical journals in the world. Michael was asked for his expert opinion in relation to the recently updated NICE guidelines for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. On June 11, 2018, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) issued new draft guidance for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It recommended that adults at risk of developing PTSD should be offered individual trauma-focused cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) within 1 month of experiencing a potentially traumatic event. For adults diagnosed with PTSD who are unable or unwilling to have face-to-face therapy or eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR), the draft guidance suggested that computerised CBT be considered. A consultation period followed the publication of the draft guidance, which ended on July 23, 2018. The updated guidance is expected to be issued in December, 2018, replacing the 2005 version.

The article  “NICE outlines 1-month target for treatment of PTSD” By Talha Burki

can be read in The Lancet Psychiatry

Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2018,

Period08 Aug 2018

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleInterviewed by the Lancet Psychiatry on NICE PTSD guidelines
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    PersonsMichael Duffy
