Data relevant to paper: Extreme-ultraviolet-initiated High-harmonic Generation
in Ar+ published in physical review A (2018)
This is the raw RMT data for calculations of the harmonic spectra, generated
by Ar+, in both single (IR) and two-colour (XUV + IR) laser fields.
The data are contained in a set of directories, named in accordance with their
corresponding figures in the article. Each file, in turn, is named consistently
with the label for the spectrum appearing in the appropriate figure
(e.g., in the legend). The only exception to this pertains to Figure 8(a), for
which the individual data files have been named according to the time delay
between the XUV and IR pulses. Note that the latter are specified in units of
the XUV pulse period.
For precise details regarding the choice of pulse parameters, please refer to the
main text and figure captions of the article.