This data contains responses to the SSAFE food fraud vulnerability assessment tool for 32 companies in cod, prawn and salmon supply chains. The SSAFE food fraud vulnerability assessment tool was used to assess 48 fraud factors relating to opportunities, motivations and controls, the related questions are included in the dataset. Study participants were actors in the post-harvest UK cod, prawn and salmon supply chains, including primary and secondary processors, wholesalers and distributors, retail and food service operators, but excluding consumers. Approximately 500 companies (where contact details could be located via internet searches and seafood trade association lists) in seafood processing, wholesale & distribution, retail and food service were sent details of the study via e-mail and invited to participate, followed up by a telephone call. Thirty-two companies agreed to participate and were interviewed using the SSAFE FFVA on one of three commodities, cod, prawns, or salmon. The assessment was conducted face-to-face, or via video call or phone so that the researcher could clarify any questions. The assessment was sent in Excel format to these respondents ahead of the meeting, so they had time to gather necessary information and consult relevant organisational departments if required. Where companies indicated that their preference was to answer the questionnaire by e-mail, detailed information was provided by e-mail on how to fill out the questionnaire and offered telephone support.
Data is deposited in Mendeley data. Data is embargoed until Feb 2024. Please see DOI for further information.
Data is deposited in Mendeley data. Data is embargoed until Feb 2024. Please see DOI for further information.
Date made available | Feb 2024 |
Publisher | Queen's University Belfast |
Date of data production | 01 Jan 2023 - 30 Apr 2023 |
Student theses
Food fraud risks in seafood supply chain networks
Lawrence, S. (Author), van Ruth, S. (Supervisor) & Elliott, C. (Supervisor), Jul 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy