GEnetics of Nephropathy - an International Effort (GENIE) GWAS of Diabetic Nephropathy in the UK GoKinD and All-Ireland Cohorts



Diabetic kidney disease, or diabetic nephropathy (DN), is one of the leading causes of end-stage renal disease in the United States and worldwide. DN is a common complication of long-standing type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes can have its onset in childhood and affected individuals often develop end-stage renal disease in early adulthood, leading to further loss of quality of life. The genetic basis of the disease is not well understood.

The GENIE (GEnetics of Nephropathy an International Effort) consortium was initiated to perform the most comprehensive and well powered DN susceptibility genome wide association study (GWAS) analysis to date, using the largest collection of individuals with type 1 diabetes with and without kidney disease across four study cohorts. The UK-ROI samples were initially GWAS genotyped as part of this project; Dr AJ McKnight was primary analyst.

UK-ROI Sample Description
The UK-ROI collection consists of samples derived from the Republic of Ireland (Dr. Catherine Godson, PI, at University College, Dublin, Ireland) and the United Kingdom (Warren 3, Diabetes UK, Genetics Of Kidneys IN Diabetes (GOKIND) UK, UK GoKinD, Dr. Alexander P. Maxwell, PI, at Queen's University of Belfast, UK). All study subjects met the inclusion criteria: white individuals with T1D, diagnosed before 31 years of age, whose parents and grandparents were born in the British Isles.

Study Type: Case-Control
Number of study subjects that have individual level data available through Authorized Access: 1801
Date made availableNov 2011
PublisherThe National Center for Biotechnology Information
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