Transcripts and workshop notes from Women Empowerment through Investing in Craftswomen Eyesight (WE-ACE) to build the Theory of Change model and Understanding Empowerment



A two-day consultation workshop was conducted. Eighteen stakeholders (divided into 3 groups) were strategically selected to participate in group discussions. Workshop notes were translated, and qualitative descriptive analyses were independently conducted by two analysts using framework analysis. The Women’s Empowerment through investing in Zanzibari Craftswomen’s Eyesight (WE-ZACE) pilot programme aims to provide presbyopia correction to craftswomen. Towards this goal, we assessed craftswomen’s perceived needs and views regarding eye health and empowerment. With this assessment we identified the inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes and impact to develop the Theory of Change map for the WE-ZACE programme evaluation.

Dataset available in XLS and CSV formats.
Date made available28 Jun 2022
PublisherQueen's University Belfast
Date of data production28 Jun 2022

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