Conservation of Maerl (Calcareous red seaweed) in Europe

  • Daryl Birkett (Participant)
  • Christine Maggs (Participant)
  • Dring, Matthew (Participant)
  • Charmaine Blake (Participant)
  • Sian Wilson (Participant)
  • Reimer, Paula (Participant)
  • Mark Johnson (Participant)

Impact: Public Policy Impact, Environmental Impact


The application of legislation and policy protecting European maerl habitats under the EC Habitats Directive has been strengthened by research at QUB showing that maerl, coral-like seaweed, is slow-growing, intolerant of disturbance and burial, and supports high biodiversity. A new marine Natura 2000 Special Area of Conservation (SAC) in Northern Ireland was designated for maerl in 2010. Maerl beds in the Fal and Helford SAC, the largest in England, were protected in 2009 from channel dredging until a Scientific Panel including a QUB academic has considered the results of a maerl-relocation trial in 2013.
Impact statusOngoing
Category of impactPublic Policy Impact, Environmental Impact