Improving the health of children with Cerebral Palsy through surveillance, development of guidelines, and internationally-adopted diagnostic tools.

Impact: Health Impact, Public Service Impact, Quality of Life Impact

Description of impact

The Northern Ireland Cerebral Palsy Register (NICPR) is the longest running population-based cerebral palsy (CP) register in the UK, undertaking systematic surveillance over 40 years. NICPR data and analyses have informed planning of regional services for children with disabilities and substantially contributed to the UK National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (2018). NICPR research has informed NICE guidelines. Our research has highlighted the need for international policy change regarding participation of children with CP by identifying the impact of key factors, such as pain. NICPR research on cost-effective measurement tools that reduce patient assessment time and increase compliance have been adopted internationally and changed practice.

Who is affected

Practitioners; Policy Makers; Children and families impacted by Cerebral Palsy
Impact statusIn preparation
Impact date19932019
Category of impactHealth Impact, Public Service Impact, Quality of Life Impact


  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Surveillance
  • Practice
  • Prevention