Koto Concert by Dr Ayako Hotta-Lister

Impact: Cultural Impact

Description of impact

Dr Ayako Hotta-Lister is a well-known koto performer with a discography.
Her concert arose interest among the general public, and some of the audience got in touch with Dr Hotta-Lister after the concert to learn more about the Japanese traditional music.

Who is affected

general public and conference participants


Dr Ayako Hotta-Lister performed a koto concert in occasion of the CIRN 2 in Belfast open to the general public. She gave an introduction on the instrument and its history as well as she performed a series of pieces from classic to modern ones.
Impact statusCompleted
Impact date06 Sept 2019
Category of impactCultural Impact
Impact levelEngagement


  • Japan
  • music
  • koto
  • concert