Restoration Shakespeare Documentary Videos

Impact: Cultural Impact

Description of impact

6 short video documentaries on Restoration Shakespeare, to be shared freely with the public on YouTube, social media, and in conjunction with the Folger Shakespeare Library, USA.

Who is affected

General public


As part of the AHRC project 'Performing Restoration Shakespeare, for which I am PI, I will be co-presenting 6 short documentary videos on Restoration Shakespeare. The first 2 videos ('What is Restoration Shakespeare?', 'What is Restoration 'Macbeth'?") were filmed at the Folger in November 2017 and are now in the final stages of editing to be released in early summer 2018. The remaining 4 videos will be filmed during the summer of 2018 in conjunction with the Macbeth production at the Folger Theatre. All videos are being produced by Blue Land Media in Washington, DC.
Impact statusIn preparation
Impact date10 Nov 2017
Category of impactCultural Impact
Impact levelEngagement


  • shakespeare
  • theatre history
  • musicology