Projects per year
Personal profile
Research Interests
Professor Margariti has developed significant expertise in stem cell biology, with particular emphasis on cell reprogramming, chromatin remodelling, cell signalling and endothelial cell biology. She had received her postdoctoral training in the Cardiovascular Division of the BHF Centre of Excellence at King’s College London (KCL). In 2013 Prof Margariti was appointed as a Lecturer in the Centre for Experimental Medicine (CEM), in Queen’s University Belfast (QUB). She has received a BBSRC New Investigator award to study the mechanisms of endothelial cell direct reprogramming and a range of BHF grants to study the endothelial cell dysfunction. Prof Margariti and her team have worked extensively to elucidate the underlying mechanism of endothelial cell reprogramming and they have generated functional endothelial cells based on a fully defined environment. In 2017 Margariti’s Laboratory demonstrated how the RNA binding protein QKI-5 is a key player on EC reprogramming inducing neovascularisation and angiogenesis while more recently they have shown the mechanism whereby FSTL3 and ESM1 enhances the function of iPS-ECs. In 2019, the team showed that QKI-6 is implicated in vascular smooth muscle differentiation, and, by combining QKI-5 and QKI-6, functional blood vessels were generated. Importantly, a breakthrough study in her lab (Yang et al., Nature Communications, 2020) is showing that targeting QKI-7 expression in vivo restores EC function in diabetes. By investing on their unique expertise on cell reprogramming and iPS cell technologies, Prof Margariti’s team has developed patient-specific cells lines of diabetes (diabetic patient-specific iPS cell lines in a petri dish) based on fast and highly efficient approaches (Vilà González et al, Diabetes, 2020). These cell lines are now valuable tools to study the underlying causes and mechanisms of the pathogenesis of EC dysfunction, to develop human blood vessel organoids and generate new knowledge, biomarkers of diabetes and effective therapies. Prof Margariti was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2017, and to Professor in Vascular and Regenerative Medicine in 2020. Prof Margariti is also leading the iPS cell facilities in the Wellcome-Wolfson Institute for Experimental Medicine (WWIEM) in QUB, where iPS cells are generated and differentiated towards vascular cells (including ECs, Smooth Muscle Cells and Pericytes), Cardiomyocytes, Neurons, Macrophages, Retina pigment epithelial cells and many other cell types, including blood vessels organoids and Kidney organoids. Prof Margariti has published a number of high-quality papers, and the impact of her research has been recognised by several prestigious awards, including the PAPANIKOLAOU Prize from the Hellenic Medical Society for significant contribution to medical research and the prize for outstanding performance and scientific research awarded by the KCL. She has also established collaborations with two of the leading cell reprogramming laboratories in the world. Prof Deepak Srivastava in University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), who is internationally renowned for his studies in cell reprogramming, and Prof George Daley, the Director of the Stem Cell Transplantation Program at Children’s Hospital Boston in Harvard Medical School, whose group are world leaders in the studies in development and cellular reprogramming.
Prof Margariti’s research is demonstrating that the therapeutic potential of “re-born” reprogrammed endothelial cells have transforming consequences for regenerative and personalised medicine.
The road to novel regenerative therapy using direct reprogramming approaches will be challenging and hard, but the journey has already begun...
Selected Awards
- 2013 First Contact Initiative Grant from the European Society of Cardiology.
- 2012 Prize for outstanding performance and scientific research awarding from the Cardiovascular Division, BHF Centre King’s College London UK.
- 2012 PAPANIKOLAOU Prize for significant contribution to Medical research awarding from the Hellenic Medical Society in London, UK.
- 2011 Travel award for best abstract submitted, from the ESC council, 6th European Meeting for Vascular Biology & Medicine 21-24 September Krakow, Poland.
- 2008 Michael Davies Young Investigator Award Finalist presenter. Spring Meeting 3-4 April Oxford, UK.
- 2007 First prize for best poster presentation, European Vascular Genomic Network (EVGN), Sweden.
- 2006 First prize for best poster presentation, European Vascular Genomic Network (EVGN), Sicily.
- 2006 Best Log Book during PhD studies, St. George’s University of London, UK.
Invited Speaker
- 2020 keynote and plenary speakerInternational conference in Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine in February 21-22, Paris;
- 2020 Organiser and Program Committee member in Regenerative Medicine International Conference in May 25-26, Amsterdam, Netherlands;
- 2018 Invited Speaker on 2nd International Conference in Splicing, 16th 19th July, Caparica, Portugal.
- 2018 Invited Speaker to give a talk in Imperial College London on 5th July, London, UK.
- 2018 Invited Speaker to give a talk in Yachay Tech on 25th January, Ecuador.
- 2017 Invited Speaker, 27th October at King’s College London, UK.
- 2017 9th Annual Conference on Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Sep 25-26, 2017, Berlin, Germany.
- 2017 Invited Speaker, 22nd August at National University of Ireland, Galway.
- 2016 Small Artery Network (SmArt) Vascular Progenitors in Biology and Medicine conference, November 7th to 9th University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
- 2016 Invited speaker to 2nd Annual International Symposium of Diabetes in ATINER, 2nd May, Athens Greece.
- 2015 Invited Speaker to BHF Panel in King’s College London, 15th December.
- 2015 Invited Speaker at University of Strathclyde, 30th September.
- 2014 St George’s London University, Lecture on Stem Cells, Cardiovascular Disease and Regenerative Medicine, 12h March 2014, London, UK
- 2013 in Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Research in University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), 15th November 2013, a talk “on Cell Reprogramming and Regenerative Medicine”.
- 2013 Atherosclerosis Gordon Research Conference (GRC) in Stowe, Vermont, USA, at the Stoweflake Resort and Conference Center, June 16-21, a talk on “Epigenetic therapies in cardiovascular disease”.
- 2013 St George’s London University, Lecture on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, 20th March 2013, London, UK
- 2013 BHF Centres of Excellence Synergy Meeting, 4th February 2013, Oxford, UK. A talk on “Cell Reprogramming”.
- 2012 Guest invitation in 3rd Annual “Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Production and Utility in Regenerative Medicine 2nd Oct, Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst, Stevanage, UK.
- 2012 Small Artery Network (SmArt) Vascular Progenitors in Biology and Medicine conference, September 13-15, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
- 2012 European Workshop on Proteomics and Vascular Biology, March 27th-29th, King’s College London, UK.
Professional Registration
2018-present Panel Member of the Biochemical Society
2012-present Member of International Society of Stem cell Research
2009-present Member of British Society for Cardiovascular Research
2008-present Early Career member of American Heart Association
2004-present Member of Institute of Biomedical Science
2003-present Associate member of Royal Society of Chemistry
2003-present Member of the Biochemical Society
Professional Development:
- Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA); Recognition Reference: PR064209 17/12/2013
- Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice in Higher Education Module Enhancing Academic Practice (7TTY0023) awarded from King’s College London November 2013.
- GMO Health and Safety Advisor
Education Contribution:
Developmental Studies BMS3003
- Stem cells
- Epigenetics
- Short and Long Non-Coding RNAs
MED1013 Foundations of Clinical Practise I
- Lectures on Metabolism
- Catalysis and Energy: An overview
- Metabolism and glucose
- Amino acid and nucleotide metabolism
- Lipid metabolism and Formation
- Mitochondria and ATP production
- Regulation of Metabolism
- Problem solving with Genes, Molecules and Processes
- Problems in Clinical Genetics
- Problems in Biochemical Medicine
Vascular Biology BMS3027
- Pluripotent Stem Cells: Biology and Generation
- Pluripotent Stem Cells: Therapeutic tools
MSc in Experimental Medicine
Program Co-ordinator
MSc in Experimental Medicine: Research Projects (SCM8146)
Module Co-ordinator
MSc SCM8110: Cardiovascular Biology and Disease
- Genetically Modified Animals in Diabetes and Cardiovascular Research
- Atherosclerosis
- Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
- Stem-Cell based therapies in diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
MSc SCM8111: Diabetes and Cardiovascular Medicine: Clinical Translation
- Advanced Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
- iPSC Genome Engineering
MSc SCM8062: Inflammation and Immunology; from Cell to Clinic
- Novel Immunological Therapies (CAR-Ts, IPSCs, other therapies)
Current Projects in our Lab
1. Elucidate the Endothelial Cell dysfunction using Induced Pluripotent Stem cells from Blood cells based on Novel Methods
a. From Healthy Donors
b. From Patient-Specific Groups
2. Elucidation of the Mechanisms of Vascular Cell Differentiation and human blood vessel organoids
a. RNA Binding Proteins
b. Regulation of mRNA Splicing
c. Small Peptides
3. Establishing Robust Direct Reprogramming approaches towards Vascular Cell lineages
a. Transcriptional Regulation
b. Epigenetic Modulation
c. Metabolic Switch
4. Regenerative Medicine; Test the functional Properties of the Reprogrammed Vascular Cells in vivo and propose potential therapeutic strategies to treat Vascular Disease
a. Angiogenesis
b. Ischemia
c. Vascular Injury/ Myocardial Infarction
d. In vivo Reprogramming
Group Members
Research Fellows
- Dr Hojjat Naderi-Meshkin 2020-Present
Project: Generation of human blood vessel Organoids from diabetic donors.
- Dr Thomas Morrison 2019-2020
Project: Generation of human blood vessel Organoids using iPS cells from non-diabetic and diabetic donors.
- Dr Chunbo Yang 2017-2019
Project: Endothelial dysfunction in Diabetic patients and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
- Dr Letizia Gulino 2015-2016
Project: Investigate the Underlying Mechanisms of Direct Reprogramming towards Vascular Cell Lineages
- Dr Sophia Kelaini 2014-Present
Project: Direct reprogramming towards Vascular Cell lineages; A Merging Approach
PhD Students
- Miss Victoria Cornelius 2020-Present
Project: Drug Screening Using Human Diabetic Models and iPS cell Technologies
- Mr Andrew Yacoub 2020-Present
Project: Discovery of novel therapies for Diabetic and Cardiovascular disease patients through Cell Reprogramming
- Miss Magdalini Eleftheriadou 2017-Present
Project: Investigate the role of non-coding RNAs during Endothelial cells differentiation from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.
- Dr Rachel Caines 2015-2019
Project: Dedifferentiated or re-Born Again? Elucidating the chromatin remodelling mechanisms during endothelial cell reprogramming for cardiovascular therapy (BHF Studentship)
- Dr Marta Vilà-González 2014-2017
Project: Diabetic macular oedema: insight into the disease and iPSC for the stratifications of its treatment based on novel technologies
- Dr Amy Cochrane 2013-2016
Project: Mechanisms of vascular cell differentiation from induced Pluripotent stem Cells (iPS cells); RNA binding Proteins
MSc Students
- Miss Jenna Fulton 2020-2021
- Miss Victoria Cornelius 2019-2020
- Miss Shonagh Flanagan 2018-2019
- Mr Andrew Yacoub 2017-2018
Project: Discovery of novel therapies for Diabetic and Cardiovascular disease patients through the powerful approach of Cell Repogramming in a petri-dish
- Mr Corey Magee 2016-2017
Project: Combining Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and RNA Sequencing Technologies to Identify Novel Mediators of Endothelial Differentiation and Dysfunction
- Mr Thomas Noteman 2014-2015
Project: Elucidate the Unique Epigenetic Signature of reprogramming endothelial cells derived from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for use in Cardiovascular Therapy and Personalised Medicine
- Mr Philip McCaughey 2013-2014
Project: Mechanisms of vascular cell differentiation; Regenerative Medicine
MSci Students
- Miss Amanda Boyle 2020-2021
- Mr Garrett Carney 2019-2020
- Miss Grace Todd 2018-2019
- Miss Olivia Sharpe 2018-2019
- Miss Wiktoria Ratajczak 2017-2018
- Miss Anya Harris 2016-2017
- Miss Charlotte McBrien 2016-2017
Undergraduate Supervision
- Miss Celine Chan 2020-2021
- Mr David Barr 2019-2020
- Miss Sarah Fairley 2018-2019
- Miss Jasmyn Ferson 2017-2018
- Miss Shannon O' Doherty (Intercalated BSc) 2017-2018
- Mr Ryan Sterritt (Intercalated BSc) 2016-2017
- Miss Marianna Tsifaki Erasmus / Technician 2016-2018
- Miss Fiona Cunningham 2015-2016
- Miss Emma Martelli 2015-2016
- Miss Daiana Drehmer (Science-without Borders programme) 2015-2016
- Mr Andrew Carmichael 2015-2016
- Mr Peter Crossley (Intercalated BSc) 2015-2016
- Mr Sean Mc Mahon (Intercalated BSc) 2014-2015
- Miss Karin Yeoh 2014-2015
- MrWilson Cheah (Intercalated BSc) 2013-2014
Summer Students
- Miss Lisa Benrejdal University of Rennes France 2018
- Mr Michael Breen (Nuffield Research Placement) 2017
- Miss Azah Kadir 2015
- Miss Medine Gumustas (Erasmus Student) 2015
- Mr Gabriel Pena Machado (Science without Borders programme) 2015
- Miss Rachel Caines 2014
- Miss Rebekah Craig (Nuffield Research Placement) 2014
- Prof Alan Stitt Centre for Experimental Medicine Queen’s University Belfast, UK
- Prof David Grieve Centre for Experimental Medicine, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
- Prof Noemi Lois Clinical Professor Centre for Experimental Medicine, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
- Dr Sandra McAllister Clinical Lecturer Centre for Experimental Medicine, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
- Prof George Daley Boston Children’s Hospital Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
- Dr Thorsten Schlaeger Head of pluripotent stem cells Core Facility Boston Children’s Hospital Harvard Medical School, USA
- Prof Deepak Srivastava Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Research in University of California, San Francisco, USA
- Dr Alisha Holloway (Bioinformatics Core) Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Research in University of California, San Francisco, USA
- Prof Qingbo Xu BHF Centre of Excellence King’s College London, UK
- Dr Lingfang Zeng BHF Centre of Excellence King’s College London, UK
- Dr Anna Zampetaki BHF Centre of Excellence King’s College London, UK
- Prof John McCarron University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
- Dr Steve Shnyder Institute of Cancer Therapeutics University of Bradford, UK
- Dr David Simpson Centre for Experimental Medicine Queen’s University Belfast, UK
- Dr Guillermo Lopez Campos Centre for Experimental Medicine Queen’s University Belfast, UK
- Dr Jose Sousa Queen’s University Belfast, UK
- Dr Fionna Wilkinson Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
- Prof Yvonne Alexander Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
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R1096GFS: Exploiting stem cell biology for liver fluke control
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R2515CEM: Investigation of aberrant QKI splicing in diabetes and the specific role of QKI7 as a novel target to reverse EC dysfunction
Margariti, A. (PI), Curtis, T. (CoI), Grieve, D. (CoI), Simpson, D. (CoI) & Stitt, A. (CoI)
30/07/2018 → 20/05/2022
Project: Research
R3044CEM: Targeted genome editing to enhance genetic resistance to Mycobacterium bovis infection in domestic cattle populations
Simpson, D. (PI) & Margariti, A. (CoI)
18/04/2018 → 31/03/2022
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A novel nested gene Aff3ir participates in vascular remodeling by enhancing endothelial cell differentiation in mice
Zhao, Y., Ehteramyan, M., Li, Y., Bai, X., Huang, L., Gao, Y., Angbohang, A., Yang, X., Lynham, S., Margariti, A., Shah, A. M., Tao, Y., Cai, T., Li, T., Zhang, M. & Zeng, L., Mar 2025, In: Genes and Diseases. 12, 2, 101339.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile1 Downloads (Pure) -
Histone deacetylase 7-derived 7-amino acid peptide increases skin wound healing via regulating epidermal fibroblast proliferation and migration
Liu, H., Li, H., Bai, X., Zhao, Y., Cai, Y., Pan, H., Guo, L., Liu, K., Liu, Q., Huang, X., Zampetaki, A., Margariti, A., Zeng, L. & Cai, T., 27 Nov 2024, In: Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 28, 22, e70209.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
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Unveiling impaired vascular function and cellular heterogeneity in diabetic donor-derived vascular organoids
Naderi-Meshkin, H., Setyaningsih, W. A. W., Yacoub, A., Carney, G., Cornelius, V. A., Nelson, C.-A., Kelaini, S., Donaghy, C., Dunne, P. D., Amirkhah, R., Zampetaki, A., Zeng, L., Stitt, A. W., Lois, N., Grieve, D. J. & Margariti, A., Sept 2024, In: Stem Cells. 42, 9, p. 791-808 18 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
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Blood vessel organoids derived from diabetic patients revealed impaired function based on a subpopulation of endothelial cells
Naderi-Meshkin, H., Eleftheriadou, M., Carney, G., Cornelius, V. A., Nelson, C.-A., Kelaini, S., Yacoub, A., Dunne, P. D., Amirkhah, R., Zampetaki, A., Zeng, L., Stitt, A. W., Lois, N., Grieve, D. J. & Margariti, A., 02 Jun 2023, In: Heart. 109, Suppl 3, 1 p., BS16.Research output: Contribution to journal › Meeting abstract › peer-review
Open Access -
Cardiac organoids: a model to investigate the effect of diabetes on cardiac development and function
Eleftheriadou, M., Naderi-Meshkin, H., Potel, K. N., Setyaningsih, W. A. W., Yacoub, A., Stitt, A. W., Grieve, D. J. & Margariti, A., 02 Jun 2023, In: Heart. 109, Suppl 3Research output: Contribution to journal › Meeting abstract › peer-review
Amy Cochrane (PhD student in Margariti's lab) received 3 competitive Awards and attended to the International Society Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) meeting 2016 in San Francisco
Cochrane, A. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Amy Cochrane (PhD Student in Margariti's lab) was awarded a Prize for Medicine and Life Sciences at the Postgraduate Researcher Competition in QUB in 2015
Cochrane, A. (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Margariti, A. (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
Dr Sophia Kelaini (Research Fellow in Margariti's lab) was the winner of the best presentation in the Scottish Cardiovascular Conference in 2016
Kelaini, S. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
First Contact Initiative Grant from the European Society of Cardiology 2013
Margariti, A. (Recipient), 2013
Prize: National/international honour
Organiser and Program Committee member in Regenerative Medicine International Conference
Margariti, A. (Organiser)
25 May 2020 → 26 May 2020Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
José Bragança
Margariti, A. (Host)
01 Mar 2020 → 31 Mar 2020Activity: Hosting a visitor types › Hosting an academic visitor
keynote and Plenary speaker in the International conference in Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, 21st-22nd February, 2020 Paris, France
Margariti, A. (Keynote speaker)
21 Feb 2020 → 22 Feb 2020Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited or keynote talk at national or international conference
Measures of Esteem (Event)
Margariti, A. (Reviewer)
2019 → …Activity: Membership types › Membership of peer review panel or committee
Invited Speaker on 2nd International Conference in Splicing, 16th-19th July 2018, Caparica, Portugal
Margariti, A. (Invited speaker)
16 Jul 2018 → 19 Jul 2018Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Researchers at Queen's University Belfast have developed a new way to create large quantities of stem cells for stem cell therapies, and have discovered that the resulting stem cells could revolutionise treatment for a wide range of conditions. 10th May 2019
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Research