Activities per year
- 14 results
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Gendering Juvenilia: Writing by Early Modern Girls
Lamb, E. (Invited speaker)
01 Feb 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Childhood and Early Modern Literary Cultures
Lamb, E. (Invited speaker)
24 Jan 2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Research Paper at University College Cork: 'Literary Girlhoods in the Seventeenth Century'
Lamb, E. (Invited speaker)
16 Oct 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Invited Talk at 'The Hollow Crown: Shakespeare and Political Theology', Hampton Court Palace
Lamb, E. (Invited speaker)
21 Jun 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Research Paper at University of Exeter: The Literary Childhood of Lady Rachel Fane (1613-1680)
Lamb, E. (Invited speaker)
07 Feb 2019Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Shakespeare, the North West and the Earls of Derby
Lamb, E. (Invited speaker)
19 Oct 2016Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Gender and Childhood in Early Modern Cultures, University of Newcastle
Lamb, E. (Invited speaker)
21 May 2013 → 22 May 2013Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Children's Worlds in Europe
Lamb, E. (Invited speaker)
Nov 2011 → …Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Filming and Performing Renaissance History
Lamb, E. (Speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
University of Newcastle Research Seminar
Lamb, E. (Invited speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Research Seminar, Nottingham Trent University
Lamb, E. (Invited speaker)
2009Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Roehampton University Research Seminar
Lamb, E. (Invited speaker)
2008Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
London Renaissance Seminar
Lamb, E. (Invited speaker)
2007Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Centre for International Research in Childhood, University of Reading
Lamb, E. (Invited speaker)
2004Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk