Personal profile

Research Focus

The project traces the historical memory of disguised female American Civil War soldiers. It examines their representation within various mediums of public memory. This includes popular fiction, newspaper coverage, public commemoration, and academic scholarship. The project’s chronology begins during the war itself and ranges up until the late twentieth century. It uncovers the multifaceted reasons as to why the contemporarily well-known phenomenon of disguised female Civil War soldiers eventually disappeared from public knowledge and memory of the war. Consequently, the project illuminates discriminatory trends within both public historical commemoration and historiography. Whilst there has been an increasing academic attention placed on these women, research on disguised female soldiers remains significantly underdeveloped. The project is an important and significant addition to this small yet growing body of historical scholarship.


I have acted as a TA on the course HIS2028- The American South - September 2020-December 2020