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R2632CPH: Retinal Assessment of Microvascular Dysfunction and Chronic Disease in UK Biobank
McKay, G. (PI)
21/08/2019 → 30/06/2020
Project: Research
R2295CEM: Improved phenotyping of microvascular changes in Diabetic Retinopathy with multi-level data.
Hogg, R. (PI), Chakravarthy, U. (CoI), Hua, Y. (CoI) & McKay, G. (CoI)
31/05/2016 → 31/10/2020
Project: Research
R4744CPH: Integrative genomic, epigenetic and functional studies in diabetic kidney disease
Maxwell, P. (PI), McKay, G. (CoI) & McKnight, A. J. (CoI)
27/01/2016 → 31/03/2023
Project: Research
R4739CPH: Retinal Evaluation in Alzheimer's Disese and mild cognitive impairement
McGuinness, B. (PI), Hogg, R. (CoI), McKay, G. (CoI) & Passmore, P. (CoI)
27/11/2015 → 31/12/2020
Project: Research
R2216CPH: Postdoctoral Fellowship - 2015 Extending genetic and epigenic studies for CKD
McKnight, A. J. (PI), Maxwell, P. (CoI) & McKay, G. (CoI)
19/08/2015 → 21/12/2018
Project: Research
R2164CPH: An investigation to assess if the inflammatory marker serum amyloid A is increased CVD burden.
McKay, G. (PI) & McKeown, P. (CoI)
12/11/2014 → 31/07/2017
Project: Research
R4687CPH: Evaluation of novel prognostic risk indicators for cardiovascular disease
McKay, G. (PI), Harbinson, M. (CoI), Hogg, R. (CoI) & McEneny, J. (CoI)
03/09/2014 → 31/03/2016
Project: Research
R2140CPH: Diet, retinal microvascular health and cognitive decline and dementia risk: the NICOLA and TILDA Studies
Woodside, J. (PI), Cardwell, C. (CoI), Kee, F. (CoI), McKay, G. (CoI), McKinley, M. (CoI), Passmore, P. (CoI) & Young, I. (CoI)
31/07/2014 → 28/02/2019
Project: Research
R2135CPH: “Genetic studies of Chronic Kidney Disease”
Maxwell, P. (PI), McKay, G. (CoI) & McKnight, A. J. (CoI)
31/07/2014 → 30/09/2018
Project: Research
R1125CPH: Retinal vascular calibre - a potential biomarker for early renal and retinal diseases?
McKay, G. (PI) & Maxwell, P. (CoI)
01/08/2012 → 31/10/2016
Project: Research
R8316CPH: JDRF_Genetics of Diabetic Nephropathy - MULTI-PROJECT
Maxwell, P. (PI), McKay, G. (CoI) & McKnight, A. J. (CoI)
01/08/2012 → 31/08/2015
Project: Research
R2814CPH: Retinal vessel attenuation - a potential biomarker for early diagnosis of renal and vision complications in diabetes?
McKay, G. (PI) & Maxwell, P. (CoI)
01/08/2011 → 30/09/2015
Project: Research