• Room 02.033 - Geography Building

    United Kingdom

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

I am open to PhD applications in the fields of:

--Historical/cultural geography
--Landscape history/archaeology
--History of cartography/archaeology of cartography
--Urban morphology/urban history/urban archaeology


Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research Interests

I am an historical geographer with particular research expertise in interpreting historic landscapes, maps, and built environments.

My research covers the fields of: Historical/cultural geography; Landscape history/archaeology; Histories of cartography/archaeology of cartography; Urban morphology/urban history/urban archaeology; Heritage studies/heritage practice.

Recent career highlights for me include:

1. Receiving in 2018 from the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) the Cuthbert Peek Award "For advancing geographical knowledge through the application of contemporary methods, including GIS and mapping."

2. Leading as PI the £1.7m "Living Legacies 1914-18" public engagement centre (2014-2020) funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council and resulting in a REF2021 Impact Case Study for QUB Geography.

3. Chairing the Historic Towns Trust (2014-22) and successfully delivering 3 new British Historic Towns Atlas volumes as part of an international publications programme of European Historic Towns Atlases.

4. Winning bilateral funding from Irish Research Council and Arts and Humanities Research Council for a 3-year (2022-24) collaborative digital humanities research project on the bicentenary of the Ordnance Survey in Ireland.

During my 25 years at Queen's I have had continuous external funding as PI** and as CI*, through the following research grants:

2000-2* ‘Living through change in post-war Britain’ (Leverhulme Trust)

2003-5** ‘Mapping the Medieval Urban Landscape’  (Arts and Humanities Research Council: B/RG/AN3206/APN14501)

2005** ‘Mapping the realm: English cartographic reconstruction of fourteenth-century Britain’ (The British Academy SG-39911)

2006-07** ‘Medieval monarchs and the shaping of urban Britain’ (Leverhulme Research Fellowship)

2008-09* ‘Mapping medieval Chester: place and identity in an English borderland city, c.1200-1500’ (Arts and Humanities Research Council, AH/F009356/1)

2010-11** ‘Linguistic geographies: the Gough Map of Great Britain and its making’ (Arts and Humanities Research Council, AH/H014489/1)

2012-13* ‘Discover medieval Chester: place, heritage and identity’ (AHRC Knowledge Transfer Fellowship)

2013-14* ‘City Witness: Place and Perspective in Medieval Swansea’ (Arts and Humanities Research Council, AH/J008915/1)

2014-20** ‘Living Legacies 1914-18: From Past Conflict to Shared Future’ (AHRC, World War One Public Engagement Centre)

2015-21* ‘Mapping Lineages: Quantifying the Evolution of Maps of the British Isles’ (The Leverhulme Trust, RPG-2015-274)

2017-20* ‘Inventor of Britain: The Complete Works of Humphrey Llwyd’ (UKRI/Arts and Humanities Research Council, AH/P00704X/1)

2017** ‘Surveying Empires – Archaeologies of Colonial Cartography’ (British Academy International Partnerships and Mobilities programme)

2021-25** ‘OS200: Digitally Remapping Ireland’s Ordnance Survey Heritage’ (Arts and Humanities Research Council AH/W001802/1)

My books published over this same period include:

• Urban Life in the Middle Ages: 1000-1450 (Palgrave, 2002) 
• City and Cosmos: The Medieval World in Urban Form (Reaktion, 2009)
• Mapping Medieval Geographies (Cambridge University Press, 2014)

My current writing projects include completing a new book, with the tentative title of 'Realms of Rule—Urban Bodies and Sovereign Space', exploring the idea of 'rule' as both power and measure, and how the two spatially connect through the formation of 'new towns' of the Middle Ages. 

Future plans for new research projects include combining urban morphology and corpus linguistics to analyse the practices of urban planning across medieval Europe.

Currently (2025) I am Co-PI on an AHRC-IRC funded digital humanities international research project called 'OS200--Digitally Re-Mapping Ireland's Ordnance Survey Heritage', an all-island (UK-RoI) research collaboration between Queen's University Belfast, University of Limerick and the Royal Irish Academy. Information at go.qub.ac.uk/IrelandMapped

I also have recently completed leading a NLHF-funded community heritage project called 'Mapping Monuments' with the Binevenagh and Coastal Lowlands Landscape Partnership Scheme/Causeway Coast & Glens Heritage Trust, see go.qub.ac.uk/MappingMonuments for details.

At Queen's, I am a lead convenor of the Heritage Hub--see heritagehub.ac.uk

In the School of Natural and Built Environment (SNBE) I am research cluster lead for 'PAST'--a cross-disciplinary forum in Geography, Archaeology & Paleoecology (GAP) for bringing like-minded researchers together with a shared interest in exploring Places, Archaeologies, Societies, and Time (=PAST), encompassing historical-cultural geography and historical-cultural archaeology especially. 

A full list of my publications is here:

Publications, 1994-present

(1) Books:

(a) Books written as sole author.

Lilley K D (2009) City and Cosmos—the Medieval World in Urban Form (Chicago and London: Reaktion).

Published reviews of City and Cosmos:

  1. Journal of Historical Geography (April 2010): ‘Lilley is to be commended for producing an insightful, concise, and well-written piece of scholarship. Further, the organization is clear and the illustrations are high quality. […] The book is well worth reading for geographers and other scholars interested in the cultural aspects of urban design and symbolism’, J Hagen, Journal of Historical Geography Volume 36, Issue 2, April 2010, Pages 236–237.
  2. Urban History (August 2010): ‘Keith Lilley’s excellent new book takes as its theme the idea of the city as it was played out, performed and remediated in medieval culture. Lilley’s admirably interdisciplinary book shows how ‘the city’ – and by extension what we might call ‘urban history’ – has much to contribute to debates in many disciplines, including literature, theology, philosophy, geometry and, in particular, aesthetics. […] The book’s guiding principle though is to offer fascinating and germane examples which other scholars will be able to learn from and apply to other sources. The book, like the urban forms it describes, is impressively far reaching, beautifully designed and richly illustrated’, Anthony Bale, Urban History, Volume 37, pp 333 – 334 DOI: 10.1017/S0963926810000398.
  3. Speculum (July 2012): ‘Lilley explores the intricate and highly powerful connections between the city and the divine dimension, building fascinating bridges between the city as a social community in its microcosmic setting and the macrocosm. This should not surprise us because those connections were consistently looked for by people in the Middle Ages, except that we have not yet been confronted with the idea of the city as a complement to the divine within the cosmos in as clear terms as used by Lilley. […] The spectrum of topics covered here is expansive [which] opens many new perspectives on urban space in the Middle Ages and proves to be highly stimulating’, by Albrecht Classen, Speculum, Volume 87, 3, July 2012, pp 898-900.

Lilley K D (2002) Urban Life in the Middle Ages—1000-1450AD (London: Palgrave).

Urban Life in the Middle Ages quickly became referenced by contemporary geographical studies (such as Kahler and Walter (eds), Territoriality and Conflict in an Era of Globalization (Cambridge UP, 2006) and Pacione’s Urban Geography: A Global Perspective (Routledge, 2006)), as well as in major foundational books on medieval culture and history (such Lansing and English (eds) Blackwell Companion to the Medieval World (Blackwell, 2009). Positive book reviews in major international journals in history and geography: Speculum, Journal of Historical Geography (‘imaginative’, ‘clear’); Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature; Mediaevistik (‘fruitful’, ‘successfully synthesizes older and modern research’); Parergon (‘fascinating’, ‘excellent’).

 (b) Book edited.

Lilley K D (ed) (2014) Mapping Medieval Geographies. Geographical Encounters in the Latin West and Beyond, 300–1600 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Sole editor and volume author/contributor.

Published reviews of Mapping Medieval Geographies:

  • ‘Keith Lilley's wide-ranging and well-selected collection makes an important contribution to our understanding of medieval … spatial thought and representation. […] Scholars and students of all aspects of historical geography will find something to think about and inspire them in this collection’, M Doherty, Journal of Historical Geography Volume 47, January 2015, Pages 94–95;
  • ‘This volume is a valuable collection of cutting edge interpretations of geographies inthe Middle Ages (as opposed to geographies of the Middle Ages). [Lilley] has done an excellent job in collecting and marshalling a range of essays which is equally broad in geographical, chronological, and methodological coverage. Regardless of differences between the papers, they certainly combine to very clearly present the case for a contextual understanding of textual and visual medieval geographies in a coherent and unified manner’, Justin Colson, Reviews in History (Aug 2015, review no. 1808), DOI: 10.14296/RiH/2014/1808.

(c) Chapters contributed to books.

Lilley K D, Milligan R and Porter C (2025) ‘Set forth in all poynctes’: Navigating the maps and mappings of Humphrey Llwyd’, in P Schwyzer (ed.) Inventor of Britain. The Work and Legacies of Humphrey Llwyd (University of Wales Press, Cardiff), 59-90. [Lead author and project PI]

Lilley K D (2025) ‘Mythologizing cities and kings : The Wessex burhs of King Alfred the Great’, in I Benyovsky Latin, M Stercken and T Andrić (eds.) Protagonists of Urban Order from the Middle Ages to the Present. Actions, Ideas, Concepts (Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam), 83-104. [Invited sole author]

Lilley K D (2024) ‘Mapping morphological futures: plan-analysis and its cultural intersections’, in Oliveira V (ed.) ISUF, Urban Morphology and Human Settlements (Springer International, Cham), 157-176. [Invited sole author]

Lilley K D (2024) ‘Reflections and mediations: a view from the edge’, in Vannieuwenhuyze B and Rutte R (eds.) The Rise of Cities Revisited: reflections on Adriaan Verhulst’s vision of urban genesis and developments in the medieval low countries (Studies in European Urban History 61, Brepols: Turnhout), 189-202. [Invited sole author]

Lilley K D (2024) ‘Denis Cosgrove’, in Gilmartin M, Hubbard P, Kitchin R and Roberts S (eds.) Key thinkers on space and place. Revised and 3rd ed. (SAGE Publications: London), 83-90. [Invited sole author]

Słomska-Przech K and Lilley K D (2024) ‘Cartography and the city: Exploring urban ontologies through historic town-maps’, in Duży W (ed.) Modelling the City. Formal ontology and spatial humanities (Routledge: London), 153-181. [Co-author]

Lilley K D (2022) ‘Ruling the realm: Sovereign spaces and the spatial ordering of medieval towns’, in Greaves S and Wallace-Hadrill A (eds.) Rome and the Colonial City: Rethinking the Grid (Oxbow: Oxford), 61-82. [Invited sole author]

Tracey R and Lilley K D (2020) ‘Inclusive heritage, conflict commemoration and the Centenary of World War One in Northern Ireland’, in O'Reilly, G. (ed.) Places of Memory and Legacies in an Age of Insecurities and Globalization (Key Challenges in Geography (EUROGEO Book Series), Springer International: Cham), 415-436 [Co-author and project PI]

Lilley K D (2020) ‘Medieval Urbanism’, in Smith C (ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology (Springer International: Cham), 6951-6958 [Invited sole author]

Lilley K D (2019) ‘Surveying Empires: Archaeologies of colonial cartography and the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India’, in Kent A, Vervust S, Demhardt I and Millea N (eds), Mapping Empires: Colonial Cartographies of Land and Sea (Berlin/Heidelburg: Springer International Publishing), 101-120. [Sole author and project PI]

Lilley K D (2018) ‘Living in medieval towns’, in Gerrard C and Gutiérrez A (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Later Medieval Archaeology in Britain (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 275-296. [Sole author of commissioned work]

Lilley K D (2017) ‘Commemorative cartographies, citizen cartographers and WW1 community engagement’, in Wallis J and Harvey D (eds), Commemorative Spaces of the First World War: Historical Geographies at the Centenary (London: Routledge), 115-134. [Sole author based on AHRC funded research]

Lilley K D (2017) ‘The Norman Conquest and its influences on urban landscapes: Continuities and transformations’, in Hadley D and Dyer C (eds), The Archaeology of the Eleventh Century (London: Routledge), 30-56. [Sole author]

Dreer C and Lilley K D (2016) ‘Universal histories and their geographies: navigating the maps and texts of Higden’s Polychronicon’, in Campopiano M (ed.), Finding your Place in History and Politics: the life of universal chronicles in the high Middle Ages (Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, York Medieval Press), 275-301. [Co-author of work]

Lilley K D (2015) ‘Maps of medieval thought? Cartographical imaginaries, cultural symbolism and urban forms of the late Middle Ages’, in Simms A and Clarke H B (eds.), Lords and Towns in Medieval Europe. The European Historic Towns Atlas Project (London: Ashgate), 399-418. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2014) ‘Mapping medieval geographies’, in Lilley K D (ed) Mapping Medieval Geographies: Geographical Encounters in the Latin West and Beyond, 100-1600 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge), 1-20. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2014) ‘Medieval urbanism’, in Smith C (ed), Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology (New York: Springer), 4743-4750. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2014) ‘Royal authority and urban formation: King Edward I and his ‘new towns’’, in Larkham P J and Conzen M P (eds) Shapers of Urban Form. Explorations in Morphological Agency (London, Routledge), 27-45. [Sole author of chapter]

Larkham P J and Lilley K D (2014) ‘Townscape and scenography: conceptualizing and communicating the new urban landscape in British post-war planning’, in Pendlebury J, Erten, E and Larkham P J (eds) Alternative Visions of Post-War Reconstruction. Creating the modern townscape (London: Routledge), 108-22. [Co-author of work]

Lilley K D (2013) ‘Mapping futures? Digitisation, spatial technologies and historic towns atlases’, in Clarke H B and Gearty S (eds) Maps and Texts. Exploring the Irish Historic Towns Atlas (Dublin: Royal Irish Academy), 278-94. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2013) ‘Conceptualising the city: historical mapping, spatial theory and the production of urban spaces’, in Pauly M and Scheutz M (eds) Cities and their Spaces. Concepts and their Use in Europe (Cologne: Böhlau Verlag), 143-154. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2012) ‘Mapping Plantagenet rule through the Gough Map of Great Britain’, in Baumgartner I and Stercken M (eds.), Herrschaft verorten: Politische Kartographie des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit (Cologne: Verlag), 77-97. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2012) ‘GIS, spatial technologies and digital mappings’, in Gunn S and Faire L (eds) Research Methods in History (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press), 121-140. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2012) ‘Imagined landscapes? Mapping medieval Chester through literature, cartography and information technology’, in Lavaud S and Schmidt B (ed), Représenter la Ville (Bordeaux Ausonius Éditions), 227-244. [Sole author of chapter]

Dyer C and Lilley K D 2012 'Town and countryside: relationships and resemblances'; in Christie N and Stamper P (eds), Medieval Rural Settlement. Britain and Ireland (Oxford: Oxbow), 81-98. [Co-author of work]

Vetch P, Clarke C, and Lilley K D 2012 ‘Between text and image: digital rendering of a late medieval city’, in Nelson B and Terras M (eds) Digitizing Medieval and Early Modern Material Culture (Tempe: RSA / Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies), 365-96. [CI on project and co-author]

Lilley K D (2011) ‘Digital cartographies and medieval geographies’, in Daniels S, DeLyser D, Ketchum J and Richardson D (eds) Envisioning Landscapes, Making Worlds. Geography and the Humanities (London: Routledge), 25-33. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D 2011 ‘Urban mappings: visualizing late medieval Chester in cartographic and textual form’; in Clarke C (ed),Mapping the Medieval City (University of Wales Press, Cardiff), 19-41;

Lilley K D (2010) ‘Medieval urban design’, in Hutchinson R, Beauregard B, Crang M, and Aalbers M (eds), Sage Encyclopaedia of Urban Studies (London: Sage), 489-94. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2010) ‘Borough’, in Topalov C, Coudroy de Linne L, Depaule J-C and Marin B (eds.), L’Aventure des Mots de la Ville. Á travers le temps, les langues, les sociétés (Paris: Éditions Robert Laffont), 154-59. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D and Reeder D A (2010) ‘City’, in Topalov C, Coudroy de Linne L, Depaule J-C and Marin B (eds.), L’Aventure des Mots de la Ville. Á travers le temps, les langues, les sociétés (Paris: Éditions Robert Laffont), 308-313. [Co-author of work]

Lilley K D (2010) ‘Town’, in Topalov C, Coudroy de Linne L, Depaule J-C and Marin B (eds.), L’Aventure des Mots de la Ville. Á travers le temps, les langues, les sociétés (Paris: Éditions Robert Laffont), 1226-1231. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2009) ‘The landscapes of Edward’s new towns: their planning and design’, in Williams D and Kenyon J (eds) The Impact of the Edwardian Castles on Wales (Oxbow, Oxford), 99-113. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2009) ‘Medieval geography’, in Thrift N and Kitchin R (eds) International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography (Oxford: Elsevier), volume 7, 21-31. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2009) ‘Denis Cosgrove’, in Thrift N and Kitchin R (eds) International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography (Oxford: Elsevier), volume 2, 305-6. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2009) ‘Urban morphology’, in Thrift N and Kitchin R (eds) International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography (Oxford: Elsevier), volume 12, 66-9. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2008) ‘Faith and devotion’, in Short J R, Hubbard P J and Hall T (eds) The Compendium of Urban Studies (London: Sage), 28-46. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D, Lloyd C and Trick S (2007) ‘Mapping medieval townscapes: GIS applications in landscape history and settlement study’, in Gardiner, M and Rippon, S (eds) Medieval Landscapes (Bollington: Windgather), 27-42. [PI on project and lead author]

Lilley K D (2006) ‘Conceptions and perceptions of urban futures in early post-war Britain: some everyday experiences of the rebuilding of Coventry, 1940-1962’, in Boyd Whyte I (ed) The Man-Made Future (Routledge, London), 145-156. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2005) ‘Urban landscapes and their design: creating town from country in the later Middle Ages’, in Dyer C C and Giles K (eds) Town and Country, 1100-1500 (Oxford: Maney, Oxford), 223-243. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2004) ‘Denis Cosgrove’, in Hubbard P J, Kitchin R and Valentine G (eds) Key Thinkers on Space and Place (London: Sage), 84-89. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2004) ‘Brian Harley’, in Hubbard P J, Kitchin R and Valentine G (eds) Key Thinkers on Space and Place (London: Sage), 174-180. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2002) ‘Imagined geographies of the ‘Celtic fringe’ – the cultural construction of the Other in medieval Wales and Ireland’, in Harvey D, Jones R, McInroy N and Milligan C (eds) Celtic Geographies. Old Culture, New Times (London: Routledge), 21-36. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2000) ‘Landscape mapping and symbolic form: drawing as a creative medium in cultural geography’, in Cook I, Crouch D, Naylor S, and Ryan J (eds) Cultural Turns/ Geographical Turns (London: Longman), 231-245. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (2000) ‘Decline or decay? Urban landscapes in late-medieval England’, in Slater T R (ed) Towns in Decline. AD100-1600 (Aldershot: Ashgate), 235-265. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (1998) ‘Trading places: monastic initiative and the development of high medieval Coventry’, in Slater T R and Rosser G (eds) The Church and the Medieval Town (Ashgate, Aldershot), 177-208. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (1997) ‘Colonialism and urbanism in high medieval Europe: identifying morphologies of urban change’, in De Boe G and Verhaeghe F (eds) Urbanism in Medieval Europe (Zellik, Belgium), 189-204. [Sole author of chapter]

Lilley K D (1994) ‘Coventry's topographical development: the impact of the priory', in Demidowicz, G (ed) Coventry's First Cathedral (Stamford: Watkins), 72-96. [Sole author of chapter]


 (2) Journal publications: 

(a) Articles written as sole author.

Lilley K D (2021) ‘Mapping Sites: Lieux de Savoir in the practice of urban cartography,1340–1560’, Le foucaldien 7(1), 1-22.

Lilley K D (2018) ‘Mapping the nation: Landscapes of survey and the material cultures of the early Ordnance Survey in Britain and Ireland’, Landscapes 18 (2), 178-199.

Lilley K D (2018) ‘Surveying the surveyors: the landscape legacies of the Ordnance Survey’, British Archaeology 159, 22-27.

Lilley K D (2015) ‘Urban planning after the Black Death: Townscape transformations in later-medieval England (1350-1530)’, Urban History 42(1), 22-42.

Lilley K D (2012) ‘Mapping truth? Spatial technologies and the medieval city – a critical cartography’, Post-Classical Archaeologies 2, 227-254.

Lilley K D (2011) ‘Geography’s medieval history: a forgotten enterprise?’, Dialogues in Human Geography 1(2), 147-62.

Lilley K D (2011) ‘Quid sit mundus: making space for medieval geographies’, Dialogues in Human Geography 1(2), 191-7.

Lilley K D (2009) ‘Denis E. Cosgrove, 1948-2008’, Social and Cultural Geography 10, 219-224.

Lilley K D (2007) ‘Agents and agency in the English medieval city’, Journal of Urban History 33, 1048-1056.

Lilley K D (2004) ‘Cities of God? Medieval urban forms and their Christian symbolism’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers NS 29, 296-313.

Lilley K D (2004) ‘Mapping cosmopolis: moral topographies of the medieval city’, Environment and Planning d: Society and Space 22, 681-98.

Lilley K D (2003) ‘On display: planning exhibitions as civic propaganda or public consultation?’, Planning History 25, 3-8.

Lilley K D (2002) ‘“One immense goldfield!” British imaginings of the Australian gold rushes, 1851-59’, Landscape Research 27(1), 67-82.

Lilley K D (2001) ‘Urban planning and the design of towns in the Middle Ages: the Earls of Devon and their ‘new towns’’, Planning Perspectives 16, 1-24.

Lilley K D (2000) ‘Non urbe, non vico, non castris: territorial control and the colonization and urbanization of Wales and Ireland under Anglo-Norman lordship’, Journal of Historical Geography, 26 (4), 517-31.

Lilley K D (2000) ‘Mapping the medieval city: plan analysis and urban history’, Urban History 27(1), 5-30.

Lilley K D (1999) ‘Modern visions of the medieval city: competing conceptions of urbanism in European civic design’, Environment and Planning b: Planning and Design 26, 427-446.

Lilley K D (1999) ‘Urban landscapes and the cultural politics of territorial control in Anglo-Norman England’, Landscape Research, 24, 5-23.

Lilley K D (1999) ‘Geometry and medieval town planning: a reply’, Urban Morphology 3(2), 111-114.

Lilley K D (1998) ‘Urban design in medieval Coventry: the planning of Much and Little Park Street within the Earl of Chester’s fee’, Midland History 23, 1-20.

Lilley K D (1998) ‘Taking measures across the medieval landscape: aspects of urban design before the Renaissance’, Urban Morphology 2(2), 82-92.

Lilley K D (1998) ‘Geometry, urban planning and town design in the high Middle Ages’, Planning History 20, 7-15.

Lilley K D (1994) ‘A Warwickshire medieval borough: Brinklow and the contribution of town-plan analysis', Transactions of the Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeological Society 98, 51-61.


(b) Articles written as co-author.

Lilley K D and McAlister G (2024) ‘Mapping monuments. Archaeological traces of the early Ordnance Survey in Ireland’, Archaeology Ireland 38(1), 47-51. [Co-author of paper and project Co-PI]

Porter C, Milligan, R and Lilley K D (2020) ‘Hidden geographies and digital humanities: analysing and visualising the literary corpus of Humphrey Llwyd’, Literary Geographies 6(1), 96-118. [Co-author of paper and project PI]

Porter C, Lilley K D, Lloyd C, McDermott S and Milligan R (2019) ‘Cartographic connections - the digital analysis and curation of sixteenth-century maps of Great Britain and Ireland’, e-Perimetron 14(2), 97-109. [Co-author of paper and project PI]

Lilley K D and Dean G (2015) ‘A silent witness? Medieval urban landscapes and unfolding their mapping histories’, Journal of Medieval History 41(3), 273-291. [Lead author of paper and project PI]

Lilley K D and Porter C (2013) ‘Mapping Worlds? Excavating cartographic encounters in Plantation Ireland through GIS’, Historical Geography, 41: 35-58. [Lead author of paper and PhD supervisor of C. Porter]

Larkham P J and Lilley K D (2012), ‘Exhibiting the city: planning ideas and public involvement in wartime and early post-war Britain’, Town Planning Review 83 (6), 647-668. [Co-author of paper]

Lloyd C D, Gregory I N, Shuttleworth I G and Lilley K D (2012) ‘Exploring change in urban areas using GIS: data sources, linkages and problems’, Annals of GIS, 18:1, 71-8. [Co-author of paper and project PI]

Lilley K D and Lloyd C D (2009) ‘Mapping the realm: a new look at the Gough Map of Britain (c.1360)’, Imago Mundi 61(1), 1-28. [Lead author of paper and PI of project]

Lloyd C D and Lilley K D (2009) ‘Cartographic veracity in medieval mapping: analysing geographical variation in the Gough Map of Great Britain’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 99(1), 27-48. [PI of project and co-author]

Lilley K D, Lloyd C, and Trick S (2007) ‘Designs and designers of medieval ‘new towns’ in Wales’, Antiquity 81, 279-93. [Lead author of paper and project PI]

Lilley K D, Lloyd C, Trick S and Graham C (2005) ‘Analysing and mapping medieval urban forms using GPS and GIS’, Urban Morphology 9, 1-9. [Lead author of paper and project PI]

Hubbard P J and Lilley K D (2004) ‘Pacemaking the modern city: the urban politics of speed and slowness’, Environment and Planning d: Society and Space, 22, 273-294. [Co-author and project CI]

Larkham P J and Lilley K D (2003) ‘Plans, planners and city images: place promotion and civic boosterism in British reconstruction planning’, Urban History, 30 (2), 183-205.  [Co-author of paper]

Hubbard P J, Faire L J and Lilley K D (2003) ‘Contesting the modern city: reconstruction and everyday life in post-war Coventry’, Planning Perspectives, 18, 377-97. [Co-author and project CI]

Hubbard P J, Faire L J and Lilley K D (2003) ‘Memorials to modernity? Public art in the “City of the Future”’, Landscape Research, 28(2), 147-169. [Co-author and project CI]

Hubbard P J, Lilley K D and Faire L J (2002) 'Remembering post-war reconstruction: Modernism and city planning in Coventry, 1940-1962', Planning History 24, 7-20. [Co-author and project CI]

Hubbard P J and Lilley K D (2000) ‘Selling the past: heritage-tourism and place identity in Stratford upon Avon’, Geography 85, 221-232. [Co-author of paper]


Awards and Distinctions

  • Institute Fellow, The Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice, QUB, 2016-
  • Institute Fellow, Institute for Collaborative Research in the Humanities (ICRH), QUB, 2013
  • Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, UCLA, 2008
  • Leverhulme Research Fellowship, 2006-7
  • British Academy Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, 1996-1999 

Elected and appointed positions on external research bodies:

  • Chair, Historic Towns Trust/British Historic Towns Atlas, 2014-2022
  • Board Member, International Commission of the History of Towns (ICHT), 2011-
  • Chair, ‘Spatial Technologies and the Medieval City’ (STeMCity) research network, 2011-13
  • UK Co-representative, General Assembly of the International Commission of the History of Towns (ICHT), 2010-
  • Board member, British Historic Towns Atlas Committee, 2006-
  • Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (FRHS), elected 2005.
  • Council Officer (Treasurer), 2005-2008, International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF)
  • Conference officer, 1997-2000, Historical Geography Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society.
  • Committee member, 1998-2000, 2003-2006, Medieval Settlement Research Group. 



Current Teaching:

GGY1011 Human Geography: Society, Power & Culture

GGY2002 Landscapes and Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

GGY2064 Urban Landscapes

GGY3090 Maps and Mappings




Current Administrative Roles

School of NBE, 'PAST' Research Cluster Lead/Director

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 15 - Life on Land
  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


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