Personal profile

Research Focus

The proposed research, which concerns the legacy of The Troubles in NI, aims to cast light on how issues of identity, trauma and well-being are connected inter-generationally. The studies will comprise important tests of the Social Identity Model of Trauma and Identity Change (SIMTIC). The research will focus on both an older sample of parents who have experienced The Troubles first-hand and a sample of parent-offspring dyads. The findings can be expected to improve our understanding of the psychosocial dynamics of conflict, its propagation over time, and the long-term influences on collective identity, belonging, and well-being that follow it. 



I obtained both my Bachelor of Science Psychology degree in Queen's University Belfast (2020), and later completed my Master of Science degree in Applied Developmental Psychology in QUB (2021). I started my PhD at QUB in 2023.

I am a member of the Centre for Identity and Intergoup Relations, and the Trauma and Mental Health Research group.


Undergraduate Teaching:

PSY1010: Research Proposal.

PSY1009: Introduction to Methods in Psychology.

PSY2067: Psychological Methods.

Postgraduate Teaching:

PSY7066: Quantitative Data Analysis.