Projects per year
Personal profile
Research Interests
I have an interest in investigating social and institutional reactions to behaviour deemed to be criminal or harmful within a transnational and international context. Recently I have resumed studying state policies on migration focusing on the use of detention through an abolitionist perspective.
Key Words
Key-Concepts of crime, harm, security, technology, border, risk, war are among the ones I could supervise research on.
I d be very happy to hear of your interests in related areas and discuss possible research projects.
Currently supervising:
Angela Rogan (ESRC grant 1+3): Facebook Feminism to contest harm: A study to understand a changing landscape of healthcare in the technological era (First Supervisor).
Jason McKillen (LINAS grant): Mapping the Development of AI-Enabled Security Technologies at the European Border (First Supervisor)
Felix Elliott (LINAS grant): Harms of Facial Recognition technology in Policing
Previous PhD supervision:
- Richard Montague (Dfe funding) “Challenging Hate Crime in a Divided City” (Second Supervisor): successful (minor corrections)
- Carey Doyle, (Dfe funding) “Migration, Planning and Super-diversity in Rural Northern Ireland and England” (Second Supervisor): Successful (minor corrections)
Research Statement
My monograph entitled War as protection and punishment. Armed Intervention at the 'end of history' (Routledge, 2023) was nominated for the British Society of Criminology book prize by Routledge. It draws partly from my PHD thesis. The PhD analyzed the punitive use of military force in the post 9/11 'war on terror' context with particular reference to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It investigated the overlap of criminology and international relations, the use of war, or the threat of it, as a means of punishing and establishing order, thus defining borders in the international sphere. The new monograph expands that framework to understand the punitive logics behind the so called liberal military interventions considering their trajectory from Kosovo, to Iraq and finally to Libya. It draws on previous analyses on the continuum between the inside and the outside, the use of military might and policing power, by looking at the punitive affects that were part of these imperial ventures. Further, it explored how these operations aimed at disciplining local state institutions with the aim of governing the local population through the state structure. Overall, it shows the contradiction, tensions and ambiguities that these military interventions created in the local areas.
In 2013-2014 I contributed to a research project aimed at studying the ways in which particular notions of risk, uncertainty and insecurity were inscribed within the construction of an handheld security technology to detect CBRNE at the european border (with QUB colleagues).
Before my PhD on the war on terror, I worked on prostitution, theoretically on some criminalising/victimizing feminist understanding of prostitution, and empirically on crimes committed against female migrants by criminal organizations, in the context of Italy's restrictive migration regimes. Further, I was involved into an enquiry into issues of youth prostitution in the region of Emilia Romagna (Italy) that was part of the European Project Stop Trafficking in Europe, and shortly in a research project on so called 'second generation' migrants in Emilia Romagna (Italy).
Education/ Academic Qualifications
Law Degree, University of Bologna (Italy): First Class
MA Criminology and Research Method, Keele University, UK
PhD Ulster University, Northern Ireland
Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Educational Teaching, Queen's University Belfast.
Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
In 2023 I was awarded the Emma Goldman Award from the Flax Foundation, in recognition of the substantial contribution, engagement and future potential of my research to knowledge on feminist and inequality issues in Europe. As a result of that in the same year I was awarded the IWM residency in Vienna (Austria). In 2014-2015 I was a visiting scholar at the Centre for the Study of Law and Society, in UC Berkeley (California), in 2018 at the Hamburg Institute for Social Research (Germany), and in 2022 a visiting scientist at the University of Turin (Italy). As a student I was a visiting scholar at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice (New York) and while an Erasmus student at Rotterdam University (with Rene van Swaaningen), I attended also a course on Historiography of Feminist Ideas with Rosi Braidotti in the Women's Studies Centre at Utrecht University (Netherlands).
CRM 2001 Criminological Theory (designer, convenor, lecturer and tutor)
CRM3007 Criminology Across Borders (Designer, Convenor, Lecturer and tutor)
SOC9071 Algorithms and Society (MA level) (Designer, Convenor and Lecturer)
In the past
SOC1005 Digital Society
CRM1001 Introduction to Criminology
CRM1002 Exploring Criminology
CRM3002 Research Dissertation.
CRM2008 Development of Policing (Interrnational Policing)
CRM3002 Research Project and Dissertation (Literature Review).
EDU8102 Theories, Frameworks and Concepts (MA level)
SOC9024 Key Issues in Social Theory (Governmentality Theory)- MA level
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
R2776LAW: Leverhulme Interdisciplinary Network on Algorithmic Solutions (LINAS)
Morison, J. (PI), Bourne, M. (CoI), Degenhardt, T. (CoI), MacCarthaigh, M. (CoI), McCall, C. (CoI), O'Kelly, C. (CoI), Padmanabhan, D. (CoI), Paternostro, M. (CoI), Schwamb, M. (CoI), Scott-Hayward, S. (CoI), Smartt, S. (CoI), Vandierendonck, H. (CoI) & Woods, R. (CoI)
17/03/2021 → …
Project: Research
R1259PAI: HANDHOLD; Science, Security and Power in Action
Bourne, M. (PI), Degenhardt, T. (CoI), Hayward, K. (CoI), Johnson, H. (CoI), Linton, D. (CoI), Lisle, D. (CoI) & Spence, I. (CoI)
01/08/2012 → 30/09/2014
Project: Research
Research output
LawPod: Katja Franko: Intersection of Law, Citizenship and migration
Corda, A., Degenhardt, T., Franko, K. & Summerville, R. (Producer), 02 May 2024Research output: Non-textual form › Digital or Visual Products
Lessico di Guerra: Giustizia Penale Internazionale
Degenhardt, T., 19 Apr 2024, Studi Sulla Questione Criminale Blog.Translated title of the contribution :Lexicon of war, new post: International criminal justice Research output: Contribution to specialist publication › Featured article
Open Access -
“I’ve been hurt every single day here, you know:” A feminist abolitionist analysis of immigration detention
Esposito, F., Degenhardt, T. & Kalokoh, A., 30 Aug 2024, In: Critical Criminology. 20 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile25 Downloads (Pure) -
LawPod: Making the world strange and more with Prof Reuben Miller
Degenhardt, T. (Other), Maruna, S. (Other), Miller, R. J. & Summerville, R. (Producer), 20 Apr 2023Research output: Non-textual form › Digital or Visual Products
Open AccessFile14 Downloads (Pure) -
War as protection and punishment: armed international intervention at the end of history
Degenhardt, T., 15 Sept 2023, Routledge. 224 p. (Frontiers of Criminal Justice)Research output: Book/Report › Book
EU Networking Fund 2018/18
Degenhardt, T. (Recipient), 15 Jan 2019
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
QUB Annual Fund to Enrich Students Experience
Degenhardt, T. (Recipient), Percy, A. (Recipient) & Moore, S. (Recipient), Apr 2009
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Engaged Research Fund QUB: immigration detention in NI
Degenhardt, T. (Recipient), 16 Jun 2022
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
ESRC studentship (NINE)
Degenhardt, T. (Recipient) & Rogan, A. (Recipient), 2019
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Plenary Talk: Tracing Punitive Elements in War
Degenhardt, T. (Keynote speaker)
19 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
15th Irish North/South Criminology Conference - Criminology in Times of Conflicts: Rights, Harms and Responsibilities
Degenhardt, T. (Organiser), McAlister, S. (Organiser), Ellison, G. (Organiser), Maruna, S. (Organiser), McNaull, G. (Organiser), Kramer, A. (Organiser), Albert, A. (Organiser), Taggart, J. (Organiser), Olayode, A. (Organiser), Murray , C. (Organiser), Buckley, S. (Organiser) & Coyle, B. (Organiser)
18 Jun 2024 → 19 Jun 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in conference
Documentary Screening: No One Is Illegal: Everyday Tomorrow. by Carlos Underwood and Maria Atahona
Degenhardt, T. (Organiser)
22 May 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Book Launch : War as Protection and Punishment (Routledge, 2023)
Degenhardt, T. (Speaker), Viebach, J. (Invited speaker), Kramer, A. (Invited speaker), Maruna, S. (Chair) & Corda, A. (Organiser)
24 Apr 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Luis Fernandez
Degenhardt, T. (Host)
16 Feb 2024 → 11 May 2024Activity: Hosting a visitor types › Hosting an academic visitor
Law Pod Podcast: Interviewer of Prof Reuben Miller (Chicago University), author of 'Halfway Home' with Prof Shadd Maruna
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Expert Comment