American Public Health Association, Scientific Award, 2013

  • Beck, Matthias (Recipient)

Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)


I am the co-recipient of the APHA scientific award which was given for the two articles: 1) Breast Cancer Risk in Relation to Occupations with Exposure to Carcinogens and Endocrine Disruptors : a Canadian Case-Control Study. by Brophy, James T.; Keith, Margaret M.; Watterson, Andrew E.; Park, Robert; Gilbertson, Michael; Maticka-Tyndale, Eleanor ; Beck, Matthias ; Abu-Zhara, Hakam; Schneider, Kenneth; Reinhartz, Abraham; DeMatteo, Robert; Luginaah, Isaac. Environmental Health , Vol. 11, No. 87, 2012. and 2) 3Chemical Exposures of Women Workers in the Plastics Industry with Particular Reference to Breast Cancer and Reproductive Hazards.. DeMatteo, Robert; Keith, Margaret M.; Brophy, James T.; Wordsworth, Anne; Watterson, Andrew E. ; Beck, Matthias ; Rochon Ford, Anne; Gilbertson, Michael; Pharityal, Jyoti; Rootham, Magali; Scott, Dayna Nadine. New Solutions , Vol. 22, No. 4, 2012, p. 427-448.
Granting OrganisationsAmerican Public Health Association
