Despite 20+ years of UN Security Council Resolution (UNSC) 1325, and continued discussions of the Women Peace and Security (WPS) agenda, WPS still has a limited perspective on sexual and gender minorities. The project challenges the limited heteronormative understanding of how gender matters to securing peace by prioritizing the experiences of lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer (LBTQ) women in peacebuilding. The proposed research project includes a range of activities across academia, policy and practice developed in partnership with Christian Aid (CA), working with CA UK as well as CA Colombia. The application of this research will provide insights on the ongoing challenges of how best to include, learn from and prioritize the experiences of LBTQ women to queer WPS in practice. This project will also engage with and support ongoing work to queer WPS through the implementation of UN SCR 1325 by the leading Colombian LGBTIQ+ organization Colombia Diversa