CAST (Co-operative Awards in Science and Technology) Doctoral Studentship

Prize: Other distinction


"Talking places, mapping lives: connecting communities through participatory place-making in a divided city". Working in collaboration with the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland and with communities on Belfast's Falls and Shankill Roads, this public history project will examine the impact of local history and placemaking on urban communities. It will involve, firstly, the co-creation of an oral history archive, to be deposited in and made accessible by PRONI, and secondly a series of participatory ‘memory maps’ created with the communities as a means of exploring, documenting and sharing local histories and geographies. The emphasis is on developing methods and approaches that straddle public history and community heritage, and so draw out ‘participatory place-making’ practices for wider use.
Degree of recognitionNational
Granting OrganisationsNorthern Ireland Department for the Economy
