Finalist in QUB Excellence awards 2002

Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)


The QUB Trauma Research Group, led by Dr Duffy and Dr Mulholland was a finalist in the 2022 QUB Exellence award relating to the category of COMMUNITY IMPACT and based on 2 areas of activity:
The Troubles Permanent Disability Pension Scheme (TPDPS). The scheme aims to recognise the implications of individuals living with a permanent disability caused by a Troubles-related injury. During the Troubles, over 3,700 people were killed, approximately 50,000 people were physically injured, and tens of thousands were psychologically scarred. A key aim of this scheme is to acknowledge the suffering that many experienced during the conflict and to promote community reconciliation. The scheme opened for applications on 31st August 2021.
2. Advisors to the DoH and other agencies on the likely mental health effects of theCovid-19 pandemic. We produced rapid review of the mental health effects of the pandemic on the NI Population , which was published by the DoH NI in July 2020, and later cited and referenced in the new NI Mental health strategy in December 2020. In August 2020 Dr Mulholland and Dr Duffy have connected across the University drawing on expertise from the social work, psychology, nursing and medicine to prepare our final year students graduating in Summer 2020 to work in the midst of the extraordinary circumstances of a world pandemic. We produced psychological self -are handbooks for the university medical, nursing and social work students and these were jointly published by QUB, the professional bodies and the DoH/HSCB. These hand books have been made available by professional bodies to staff and students elsewhere in the UK
