Optimising behaviour change initatives for food waste prevention in Ireland

Project Details


This research project is led by the Clean Technology Centre, Cork Institute of Technology, and is being carried out in conjunction with the Southern Waste Management Region.

This project will explore the effectiveness of current food waste prevention initiatives in Ireland, including the Stop Food Waste Challenge, and identify how these can be further evolved to ensure that Ireland can effectively address its national and international food waste targets.

The project team will identify best practice intervention modes for food waste prevention and how best to interpret the associated food waste prevention and behaviour change metrics. These will be applied in a number of areas and, based on interpretation of the longitudinal indicators, long-term policies, intervention initiatives and measurement methods will be recommended where appropriate.

QUB leads workpackage 3 - Design of consumer focused food waste prevention interventions - that aims at implementing best practice behavioural change interventions for increased food waste prevention among Irish consumers.

Upcoming Outputs:

As part of the initial work, the project team are carrying out an extensive review of food waste interventions and of best practice guidance in the areas of food waste prevention and behaviour change.

For regular updates on the project, follow us on Twitter (@FoodPathIRL).

This project is funded by the Environmental Protection Agency, under the EPA Research Programme 2014-2020. The EPA Research Programme is a Government of Ireland initiative funded by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment.
Short titleFOODPATH
Effective start/end date03/07/2020 → …


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