AIMD-inspired switching control of computing networks

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We consider the scheduling problem of requests entering a distributed computing network consisting of a set of non-cooperative nodes, where a node is represented by a queue combined with a computing unit. Our interaction-free setup between nodes renders decentralised scheduling challenging, with most existing results focusing on centralised or static solutions. Inspired by congestion control, we propose a new average-based additive increase multiplicative decrease (AIMD) admission control policy which requires minimal communication between individual nodes and an aggregator. The proposed admission policy infers a discrete-event model expressed as a positivconstrained switching system that is triggered whenever the queue of the aggregation point of requests vanishes. We show convergence of the proposed AIMD system under unknown, peak-bounded workload profiles by analysing the spectrum of rank-one perturbations of symmetric matrices and the boundedness of the joint spectral radius of sets of symmetric matrices. Contrary to methods that address scheduling and resource allocation asynchronously or via a two-step approach, our AIMD-based scheme can tackle both tasks simultaneously. This is illustrated by proposing a decentralised resource allocation controller coupled with the scheduling scheme leading to a stable closed-loop control system, that is guaranteed to avoid underutilisation of resources and is tunable via the sets of AIMD parameters.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
JournalIEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Early online date24 Jul 2023
Publication statusEarly online date - 24 Jul 2023


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