An investigation of Mode I fracture toughness using aligned carbon nanotube forests at the crack interface

R. Radjef, B. G. Falzon, S. C. Hawkins

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This paper presents a novel approach for introducing aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs) at the crack interface of pre-impregnated (prepreg) carbon fibre composite plies, creating a hierarchical (three-phase) composite structure. The aim of this approach is to improve the interlaminar fracture toughness. The developed method for transplanting the aligned CNTs from the silicon wafer onto the pre-preg material is described. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to analyse the effects of the transplantation method. Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) specimens were prepared, according to ASTM standard D5528- 01R07E03 [1] and aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were introduced at the crack-tip. Mode I fracture tests for pristine (control) specimens and CNT-enhanced specimens were conducted and an average increase in the critical strain energy release rate (GIc) of approximately 50 % was achieved.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 28 Sept 2012
Event28th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences - Brisbane, Australia
Duration: 23 Sept 201228 Sept 2012


Conference28th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences

Bibliographical note

Paper ICAS 2012-7.3.2


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