title = "Between a Rock and a Hard Place: choice, function and context of lithic tools in early metalworking on Europe{\textquoteright}s Atlantic fa{\c c}ade",
author = "Linda Boutoille",
note = "Published as Supplement no. 1 2015 of Bulletin de l'APRAB; Association Pour La Promotion Des Recherches Arch{\'e}ologiques sur l'{\^a}ge Du Bronze ; Conference date: 28-02-2014",
year = "2015",
language = "English",
pages = "151--152",
editor = "M Nordez and L. Rousseau and M. Cervel",
booktitle = "Annuaire des Recherches sur l'{\^a}ge du Bronze: Nouvelles approches et perspectives: Actes de la journ{\'e}e d'{\'e}tude de l'APRAB, 28 f{\'e}vrier 2014",
publisher = "l'APRAB",