Beyond Typologies: Foregrounding Meaning and Motive in Domestic Violence Perpetration

David Gadd, Mary-Louise Corr

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In this article we use a single case study to query the presumption, inherent in typological approaches to domestic violence perpetration, that offender motivations are unchanging and deducible from self-reports and official records. We highlight the need to engage interpretively with the specific meanings acts of violence hold for domestic violence perpetrators–informed, as they can be, by sexist perceptions of entitlement and histories of conflict, suspicion and grievance–and how these can change self-perceptions in the aftermath of assaults and breakups, as the foreground of crime is reincorporated into a background narrative.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)781-791
JournalDeviant Behaviour
Issue number7
Early online date13 Sept 2016
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • domestic violence
  • typologies
  • biography
  • Young men


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