Building the post-pandemic university: countering inequalities with an ethics of care

Laura Czerniewicz*, Najma Agherdien, Johan Badenhorst, Dina Zoe Belluigi, Tracey Chambers, Muntuwenkosi Chili, Magriet de Villiers, Alan Felix, Daniela Gachago, Craig Gokhale, Eunice Ivala, Neil Kramm, Matete Madiba, Gitanjali Mistri, Emmanuel Mgqwashu, Nicola Pallitt, Paul Prinsloo, Kelly Solomon, Sonja Strydom, Mike SwanepoelFaiq Waghid, Gerrit Wissing

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


By now, concerns about how equity and inequality are playing out in the ‘pivot’ to remote teaching and learning are common in the press and most mainstream political and policy discourses. But early on, questions about the risks to equity and the related responses to such risks within institutions of higher education were being raised. Of these, which concerns for the future post-pandemic persist?

As teaching and learning professionals and academics from 15 diverse universities in South Africa, we deliberated through collective reflection what we were experiencing, observing, designing and trying to mitigate in Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning (ERTL). Collecting our reflections and raising critical concerns, we collated these in May 2020 during the first semester of the academic year in South Africa, as the country entered a sudden State of Disaster with severe lockdown restrictions. Nine themes emerged from our reflective narratives that provide insight, from the diverse and unequal positions we found ourselves in, into the current status of responses to Covid-19 with regard to teaching and learning through an equity lens.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 16 Sept 2020
EventBuilding the Postpandemic University - Online, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Duration: 18 Sept 202018 Sept 2020


ConferenceBuilding the Postpandemic University
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • equity, COVID, higher education, digital, online, teaching, South Africa


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