Championing student participation in co-designing digital education resources: a student experience

Nuala McLaughlin-Borlace*, Laura Creighton, Gary Mitchell

*Corresponding author for this work

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The aim of this contemporary piece is to discuss the student experience of co-design and the process involved in the co-creation of developing digital educational resources. A discussion of the need for digital educational resources in the era of pre-registration nursing students being digital natives is explored and the potential benefits or barriers for nursing education and practice are outlined. The need for co-design as a methodology in nurse education which is inclusive of the student-led role is discussed and a personal account of student experience will be detailed. By focusing on the student voice this article aims to provide a first-hand experience of working alongside academic and educational research teams, whilst also promoting student participation within co-design projects further than simply tokenistic involvement, highlighting the comprehensive benefits associated for all. The importance of support, knowledge sharing, and effective communication will be detailed to allow other students to gain insight and empower them to participate in a co-designed project should it arise in their university education.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106392
Number of pages4
JournalNurse Education Today
Early online date11 Sept 2024
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2024


  • student participation
  • digital education resources
  • nursing students
  • nurse education


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