Characterization of the AtsR Hybrid Sensor Kinase Phosphorelay Pathway and Identification of Its Response Regulator in Burkholderia cenocepacia

Maryam Khodai-Kalaki, Daniel F. Aubert, Miguel A. Valvano

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AtsR is a membrane-bound hybrid sensor kinase of Burkholderia cenocepacia that negatively regulates quorum sensing and virulence factors such as biofilm production, type 6-secretion and protease secretion. Here, we elucidate the mechanism of AtsR phosphorelay by site-directed mutagenesis of predicted histidine and aspartic acid phosphoacceptor residues. We demonstrate by in vitro phosphorylation that histidine-245 and aspartic acid-536 are conserved sites of phosphorylation in AtsR, and we also identify the cytosolic response regulator AtsT (BCAM0381) as a key component of the AtsR phosphorelay pathway. Monitoring the function of AtsR and its derivatives in vivo by measuring extracellular protease activity and swarming motility confirmed the in vitro phosphorylation results. Together, we find that the AtsR receiver domain plays a fine-tuning role in determining the levels of phosphotransfer from its sensor kinase domain to the AtsT response regulator.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)30473-30484
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Biological Chemistry
Issue number42
Early online date06 Sept 2013
Publication statusPublished - 18 Oct 2013


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