Comparison Of Real-time Hybrid Model Testing Of A Braceless Semi-Submersible Wind Turbine And Numerical Simulations

Madjid Karimirad, Erin E. Bachynski, Petter Andreas Berthelsen, Harald Ormberg

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

14 Citations (Scopus)


In this paper, integrated analyses performed in SIMA arecompared against experimental results obtained using real-timehybrid model testing (ReaTHM®) carried out in the oceanbasin facilities of MARINTEK in October 2015. Theexperimental data is from a 1:30 scaled model of a semisubmersiblewind turbine. Coupled aero-hydro-servo-elasticsimulations are performed in MARINTEK’s SIMA software.The present work extends previous results from Berthelsen etal. [1] by including a blade element/momentum (BEM) modelfor the rotor forces in SIMA and comparing the coupledresponses of the system to the experimental results. Thepreviously presented hydrodynamic model is also furtherdeveloped, and the importance of second order loads (andapplicability of approximate methods for their calculations) isexamined. Low-frequency hydrodynamic excitation anddamping are seen to be important, but these loads include acombination of viscous and potential forces. For the selectedconcept, the second order potential flow forces have limitedeffects on the responses.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering: OMAE 2017
PublisherAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Number of pages10
ISBN (Print)978-0-7918-5778-6
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2017
Event36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Trondheim, Norway
Duration: 25 Jun 201730 Jun 2017


Conference36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering
Abbreviated titleOMAE2017
Internet address


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