Dance Conversations

Aoife McGrath* (Director), Mary Wycherley (Director), Jurgen Simpson (Composer), Yumi Lee (Performer), Aisling McCormick (Performer), Maeve McGreevy (Performer), Laurie Schneider (Performer), Maria Svensson (Performer), Kelly Quigley (Performer)

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Non-textual formPerformance


Dance Conversations is a cross-border documentary film co-directed by Aoife McGrath and Mary Wycherley in which 3 pairs of dance artists (3 from Northern Ireland and 3 from the Republic of Ireland) reflect on their experiences of working in dance on the island in both movement and conversation. The film is part of the Dance Conversations project developed by Dr Aoife McGrath (QUB) and Dr Victoria Durrer (UCD) in collaboration with Dance Ireland and Theatre and Dance NI and funded by the Co-Operation with Northern Ireland funding scheme of the Irish government's Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media. Dance Conversations explores how dance artists’ embodied experiences of their profession might inform the development of dance strategy and policy.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationOnline
PublisherDance Ireland
Media of outputFilm
Size15.19 minutes
Publication statusPublished - 05 Nov 2021


  • Dance and Cultural Policy
  • Interdisciplinary research and practice
  • Artists' living and working conditions
  • Mixed Methods Research
  • Dance and Science Collaboration
  • Dance and Motherhood

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Arts and Humanities


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