Data fusion for better fake reviews detection

Alimuddin Melleng, Anna Jurek-Loughrey, Deepak P

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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Online reviews have become critical in informing purchasing decisions, making the detection of fake reviews a crucial challenge to tackle. Many different Machine Learning based solutions have been proposed, using various data representations such as n-grams or document embeddings. In this paper, we first explore the effectiveness of different data representations, including emotion, document embedding, n-grams, and noun phrases in embedding format, for fake reviews detection. We evaluate these representations with various state-of-the art deep learning models, such as a BILSTM,LSTM, GRU, CNN, and MLP. Following this, we propose to incorporate different data representations and classification models using early and late data fusion techniques in order to improve the prediction performance. The experiments are conducted on four datasets: Hotel, Restaurant, Amazon, and Yelp. The results demonstrate that a combination of different data representations significantly outperforms any single data representation.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2023
EditorsRuslan Mitkov, Galia Angelova
PublisherIncoma Ltd
ISBN (Electronic)9789544520922
Publication statusPublished - 01 Sept 2023
EventRecent Advances in Natural Language Processing Conference 2023 - Varna, Bulgaria
Duration: 30 Aug 202308 Sept 2023

Publication series

NameRecent Advances in Natural Language Processing
ISSN (Electronic)2603-2813


ConferenceRecent Advances in Natural Language Processing Conference 2023
Abbreviated titleRANLP 2023
Internet address


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